Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Troubled or Triumphant?

This morning began with a reading from an updated edition of Oswald Chambers classic devotion book, "My Utmost For His Highest".  Not every day begins this way, but today I was especially thankful for my decision.  It seems when God has a lesson to get across to me, He will always lead me to the place needed to deliver it.

The title of the page read, "Are You Ever Troubled?"  This would be what I call a "no brainer" of a question.  Aren't we all troubled at one point or another in our lives?  Actually, my world is mostly one of contentment these days, but at any given moment, the waves of turmoil can invade.

The devotional pointed to the fact "true inner peace" is impossible unless it is received from Jesus.  The start of John 14:27 was quoted, which is the voice of Jesus saying, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you".  The verse continues with, "I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid".

According to the thoughts of Oswald Chambers, we have two choices when facing a troubling situation.  We can "look up and receive the quiet contentment of the Lord Jesus" as one option.  The peace comes as we turn our mind to Him and rest in the fact He is in control.

If your relationship with Him is not what it should be, the alternative is to focus on yourself as the one in charge.  This leads only to fretting and stewing as an attempt is made to take over a responsibility which was never meant to be yours.

How grateful I am for a family who introduced me to Jesus at a young age.  The Bible story of Jesus calming the sea has long been a part of my memory banks.  Knowing He is capable of calming the turbulence of wind tossed waves gives me assurance He is also going to bring about a calm to whatever storms come my way.

As often happens in my life, thoughts lead to the words of a song running through my mind:

There is peace in the midst of the storm-tossed life.
There is an Anchor, there is a rock to build my faith upon.
Jesus Christ is my vessel so I fear no alarm.
He gives me peace in the midst of the storm.

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