Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday Wisdom - "Pay Attention!"

Anyone who knew my mother would vouch for the fact she was a great cook and excellent baker.  Not only did her kitchen creations taste good, they were also a treat to look at.  She had a level of perfection in all she did which would shine through as she turned out meal after meal for family and guests alike.

My earliest memories of "helping" in the kitchen are of sitting on a stool at the end of the counter while Mom baked cookies.  A tradition I carry on to this day is smelling the vanilla as it's added.  (And yes, I did try tasting it once only to learn she was right about it not tasting as good as it smelled!)

Another memory is of her wanting me to help count the cups of flour.  Unfortunately, I would start counting the scoops of flour as she added them to the measuring cup instead of the actual cups added to the recipe, and likely threw her off a few times!

Through the years she taught me many things relating to cooking and baking.  I only wish I would have paid closer attention to the details and asked more questions.  Now, after she has left this life, it would be nice to have a hotline to heaven while I'm working on something's special to share.

Take, for example, the peach pies I made this evening for a family gathering tomorrow night.  How did she get her pie crust edging to look so pretty?  I try to follow the tutorial I have buried deep in the recesses of my brain, but somehow it never ends up looking like hers.  What I wouldn't give to have her standing next to me now, coaching me and pointing out what I could do to make it better.

What's that voice in my head I hear?  "They look just fine, Diane!  And everyone will love them just as much as they used to love mine!"

"The memory of the righteous will be a blessing. . ."
                                                                        (Proverbs 10:7a)


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