Monday, August 25, 2014

Moments By the Mile

So often the best moments in life occur when the unexpected happens.  Such was the case today when I received a call from my husband shortly after lunch.  He was in need of traveling to a neighboring town and asked if I wanted to ride along.

Without anything pressing on my agenda, I took advantage of the offer and we had a most enjoyable time as we made our way through the countryside to our destination of Powers Lake, ND.  Part of the reason for going was to pick up a recliner and corner curio cabinet we had purchased earlier from a furniture store which was going out of business.

Upon arrival, Bert and the salesman got busy loading things, and I wandered into a section of the store which had been closed off the last time we were there.  It was more of a gift shop, and was packed wall to wall with so many fun things.

The first item to catch my eye was a little plaque.  The message really spoke to my heart:


Making my way around the perimeter of the store, there were picture frames, a section with fall decorations, a Christmas area and then a spot with items to tempt the men.  There were shelves of dishes and other items for the kitchen and even a little corner with things for children.  The best part was knowing everything was 21% off!

In the end, I did purchase the plaque. . .and some fall flowers. . .and another bunch to use come spring.  From the children's section I decided to purchase all 14 of the remaining 24 piece mini jigsaw puzzles.  There were six different pictures, and all of them were so cute.  They will be tucked away and put in our Operation Christmas Child Boxes later this fall.  One last item found will be a gift for my youngest grandson at some point.

As we left the store, I found myself smiling as I stowed away my loot in the back of the Suburban.  Not only did I have a chance for some good quality time with my hubby, but snagged some bargains, too!
Looking back on the day, a Bible verse comes to mind.  A good one for all the moments of our lives:
"This is the day The Lord has made!
I will rejoice and be glad in it!"
~Psalm 118:24

1 comment:

  1. My favorite verse! Said it every morning to the kids as I drove them to school....and now every morning as I sit outside with my coffee.
