Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday Moments - "Message Through a Bird"

He was a cute little guy, a bird not long out of the nest.  Gingerly he made attempts at flying, but mostly hopped along on the sidewalk.  He came across my path as I was out walking this morning, and I couldn't help but stop for a few minutes and observe him.

It is not uncommon for me to talk to the birds, or any other critter God sends my way.  And so I found myself striking up a conversation with my little friend.  "How are you doing today?  Are you testing your wings and learning to fly?"  The closer I got, however, he nervously hopped away and made another short attempt at flying.  "It's okay, my friend.  I'm not here to hurt you.  I just wanted to get close enough to cheer you on!"

He never did get far away, but flew into the grass, then ventured off into a corner by a building.  It was as if he wanted to hide from me.  I wished him well, and went on my way, only to have a picture of his weary efforts linger in my mind.

Suddenly, it was as if God spoke a word into my inner being.  "The little bird you saw acts an awful lot like you do sometimes!"  What?  Who, me?  Why would God ever think such a thing?  It was then He seemed to elaborate on the thought.  "You see, My child, there are times when I see you hopping around from one thing to the next, never taking the time to allow me to get close enough to offer the encouragement you need to move on to the next phase of  your life"

Hmmm. . .He might have a point.  There are times I test my wings a bit, but never venture very far.  It is nice to be reminded He is watching, and even cheering me on as I go.  Where my "wings" will one day take me is still a mystery to me, but not to Him.  He knows each mile of my journey and stays close beside me along the way.

A comforting thought triggered by a little bird.  What crossed your path today?  Did God have a message for you through it?

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;  I will counsel you and watch over you."  ~Psalm 32:8     

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