Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Check, Check, Check, & Check

A wonderful thing about retirement is a less stringent schedule.  No longer do I have to be to work at 8:30.  My lunch hour can be whenever I want it to be.  The clock is no longer my master. . .except on days like today.

An 8:00am yoga class started the day.  Refreshing.  Then a visit with Aunt Mabel and time with my flowers and garden.  My lunch came later than usual, as it included fresh picked lettuce, cucumbers, carrots and sugar snap peas.  It was a very relaxed time, as I enjoyed the salad and caught up on my Facebook postings.

All of a sudden I realized I had not yet showered and I had an eye appointment in thirty minutes.  Could I do the shower and make it to the appointment on time?  I opted to try, and was only a couple minutes late.

Next on the schedule was singing with the "Music Makers" at our nursing home.  This is always an enjoyable time, and the hour goes by quickly.  Taking a few minutes to visit with the residents afterwards, I was leaving the parking lot just in time to get to the hospital to pick up the food containers to deliver for our "Meals on Wheels" recipients.

After helping my husband prepare for a church board meeting, I dropped off a fruit basket at the home of a friend whose mother had passed away.  Then it was on to the home of a former co-worker for a visit.

Yes, it was a busy day.  And now it is past the midnight hour.  But I can go to sleep knowing, for now, the essential tasks have been checked off. . .until the new day begins.  Oops, I guess it already has! : )

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps."  - Proverbs 16:9

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