Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday Song - "God Will Guide Us"

Our morning song service was a bit livelier than usual today, as we shared some of the songs featured during our week of Vacation Bible School.  One of my favorites was the theme song for the "Wilderness Escape" material we used from Group Publishing.

Since the lessons provided were all taken from the life of Moses and involved the Israelite people, many of the songs had a Jewish flare to them.  They were easy to teach to the children, since a DVD is provided showing young people demonstrating actions to go with the song.

As I think about the Israelite people Moses contended with, I can certainly see a parallel to who we are as Christians today.  God is attempting to guide us, and too often all we want to do is grumble and complain.  But ultimately, He is with us through it all! 

Enjoy a step back into the wilderness by following this link!

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