Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mission (Partially) Accomplished

The Elberta peaches are in.  Every year around the end of July or early August they arrive in crates and are stacked just inside the door of the grocery store.  They are the best, and we generally polish off at least one box.

During this season I try to make a peach pie with my mother's recipe.  It is so simple, and yet so good.  A little sour cream, brown sugar and vanilla baked over the peaches in one of her "never fail" pie crusts.

It was my intent to get one baked last night, however I neglected to buy the sour cream.  Instead I decided to make chocolate chip cookies.  Alas, no chocolate chips!  So it was I made a trip to the grocery store today, stocking up on the supplies needed.

The plan, when the evening began, was to mix up the cookies, get them started baking and then move on to the pie project.  As I said, this was my intent.  What actually happened is the cookies are now in the jar, and making a peach pie is on the list for tomorrow.

Although my good intentions are not always accomplished, there is comfort in knowing God will help me achieve them in His time.  For tonight, a fun visit with relatives was a good alternative to my planned course of action.  And the pie will wait!

"In his [or her!] heart a man [or woman!] plans his [or her] course;
but The Lord determines his[or her!] steps."  -Proverbs 16:9

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