Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How Time Flies!

My last post was the end of February.  Today is the first of June.  What happened to those three months between the two?  We did take a vacation to Arizona.  And a trip to Minnesota for a wedding.  We have had some interesting weather, including a freak spring snowstorm which left us without power and water for two days.  Since then we have had lots of rain, and the farmers haven't had much of an opportunity to get their crops planted.  People have been battling water in their basements.  Thankfully our sump pump has kept things under control for us.  Last week-end we celebrated my mother-in-law's 80th birthday with lots of family here to help. 

Other than that, the days simply come and go.  The routine doesn't change much from day to day.  Bank job during the day, housework in the evenings, always looking for another opportunity to spend time with the grandkids.  Working with the local kids on Wednesday nights has come to an end for the summer, and in its place I find myself doing some singing. . .with my sister-in-law for the Memorial Day service and with a group of ladies in preparation for the Ecumenical Church Service at the fair later this month.

Tonight I took time to plant some petunias in the planters by the front door of my home.  Around town I see others doing the same.  Soon there will be bursts of color to brighten our yards.  Will I blink and another three months will fly by?  Where I live this kind of a blink would take me through summer and into the fall.  But I'm finding the weather patterns are simply not the same as they used to be, so instead of planning what will happen in the coming months, I best take one day at a time.  It seems to be the way God gives them to us.  As the song from "Fiddler on the Roof" says. . .

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

As I grow older, I'm finding both the happiness and the tears have a purpose in my life.  Romans 8:28 says, "For we know that all things work together for good to those who love God are called according to His purposes".  And so I simply strive to follow the advice of my Great Grandmother Christine. . ."Keep calm, take everything as it comes, work hard and stay close to God."  This was the advice she gave when interviewed at 100.  She lived to the age of 101.  It's not always the easiest advice to follow. . .but I try.  It's nice to know she's cheering me on!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Just What I Needed Today

A former pastor of ours does a daily devotional he calles "The Daily Wad".  He takes a scripture verse, "chews" on it awhile and then writes his thoughts in an email to share with others.  Today I especially appreciated his choice of Romans 12:12: 

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Following are his thoughts on the verse:

"The modifying words are especially interesting to me. Joyful in hope describes the effect hope has upon me. It sets me free from anxious care and fills my heart with joy. It changes my entire outlook on my life. Patient in affliction is a goal. It is not a natural response to be patient while suffering affliction. Without doubt patience is what is needed. This identifies an area where I need the grace of God in order to experience the kind of strength that holds me steady when the difficulties of life come. Faithful in prayer is my daily assignment. It is my part, something I can choose to do. It requires discipline as well as diligence. It is my call to obedience. If I am faithful in prayer, I will be given patience in my afflictions and the joyful assurance that in Christ I have hope. I can’t lose!"

As I read, I realized how much I needed this reminder today!  I've been frustrated as of late. . .not seeing people grow in their spiritual walk the way I want them to. . .not seeing talents used for God the way they should be. . .too many people settling for "comfortable" (a/k/a lukewarm).  My joy escapes, my patience runs thin and I find myself complaining instead of praying!!  Guess I best look at that last sentence and go in reverse. . .prayer will help my patience level wait for God's timing and then I will find myself hopeful once again, bringing joy back to my life. 
God has made it so easy for us. . .when we follow His advice! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dear Diary

At the time I grew up it was common practice to keep a diary.  They were purchased with a small lock and key to keep things private, and it was also a good idea to keep them hidden.  You certainly didn't want anyone to read your private, inmost thoughts.  Things have certainly changed.  Now we  use the wonder of the computer world to unload our thoughts for all to see.  While keeping a record of our thoughts on our "profile pages", we also allow others entrance into our diary to add their own thoughts and feelings. 

After living the world of Facebook for a couple of years, I'm coming away with mixed feelings.  It saddens me to see how many hours are spent by people alone with their computers.  I've seen husbands and wives communicating by way of Facebook and wonder if they are sitting across the room from each other on their respective laptops.  I miss the days of friends getting together face to face.  Call me old fashioned if you like.  I still like the personal touch of actually hearing a voice and seeing the expressions when someone is communicating with me.  There seems to be a decline in communication skills, and this could be directly traced to the fact people simply aren't given enough opportunity to learn how to communicate "in person".

At the time I became engaged and was planning my wedding I opted to get rid of my diaries, along with the boxes of letters and keepsakes I had stored up to that point in time.  We lived in the country, so had to haul our own garbage.  I remember the boxes sitting in the garage for some time before my dad had time to bring them to the dump grounds.  Sometimes I wish I would have saved them to look back on.  Then again, it's best to let go when you are heading in a new direction.

One special treasure I have is a diary my mother keep when she was 16.  It was written over the time period her 19 year old sister was facing hospitalization for heart problems, and eventually covered the time her sister died.  I remember crying the first time I read through the pages, trying to imagine what it would have been like to be in her position.  There is also a special entry of the time when one of the town's eligible young bachelors gave her a stick of gum.  If she was 16, he would have been in his mid-twenties.  How would I know this?  He was the projectionist at the movie theatre back then, and eventually was the one to win my mother's heart and marry her at the age of 28.  There are no diaries to tell the story of the years inbetween, and the subject never came up before my mother's unexpected death at age 68.  Perhaps someday they can fill me in, or it could be once we face eternity together it won't matter.

As someone who likes to write, it would be interesting to be in the business of documenting people's lives.  Living in a community with lots of elderly people, it might be something I could pursue at some point.  For now, I guess I'll stick with Facebook and blogging for a time.  But winter is getting to me, and it sure would be fun to throw a "Face to Face" party!  Anyone interested in helping??

Saturday, February 19, 2011

In Hind Sight

It has been a busy week-end.  A large number of relatives were in town visiting, and we enjoyed a family supper together last night.  There were 8 kids ages 5 and under, so it was a lively household.  Great Grandma was happy to provide the house and everyone pitched in with food.  We were glad to have our daughter and three grandchildren as part of the crowd.  They stayed overnight, giving us even more time together.

Unfortunately, in the middle of the night, our daughter became ill.  Not fun when your plan was to return home in the morning and take in a wedding in the afternoon.  She didn't even feel well enough to drive home.  The grandma in me wanted to cancel the quilting class I had scheduled and take over for the day.  Still, I had made the commitment and didn't want to let them down either.  In the end, her brother did the driving, her husband took over so she could sleep and work on getting well, and I learned about quilting.

The ladies in the class assured me it was okay for me to do something for myself, and my family could certainly get by without me for a day.  As the day progressed, however, I found myself regretting my decision and wishing I would have listened to the grandma in me.  It doesn't change things, of course, but they do say everything is clearer in hind sight.  When it comes down to a choice between doing for the ones you love and doing for yourself, the choice should be obvious.  Next time I will try remember this!

The quilting experience was fun.  It gave me some great "God Lessons" to share in the process.  I don't think it will be something I will get into full force at this point in my life, but at least I can check it off my "bucket list"!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


We made it to see the grandkids today!  What fun to bring them a few Valentine treats and spend the afternoon and into the evening with them and their parents.  They seem to be growing up way too fast.  I complain I don't get to see them often enough, but then stop to count my blessings.  They are only an hour away.  It's a rare thing when it goes longer than 2 weeks between visits.  If I want (and weather permits!) I can drive to see them after work and come back home the same evening.  Yes, I am very blessed!  I feel for grandparents who live far away from their grandkids and have to wait months (or even years) between visits.  I'm thankful when God established the times set for us and the exact places we would live, He lovingly placed us where He did.  [See Acts 17:26-28]  

I also remember with fondness the Sunday visits to Grandma's house I enjoyed as a child.  Her farm was such a fun place and evenings were spent watching "Wild Kingdom", "Walt Disney" & "Bonanza".  Often, on the way home, I would fall asleep in the back seat of the car.  Even if I wasn't totally asleep, I remember prentending to be so Dad would carry me in from the car.  Memories. . .what a blessing to have such good ones.  Here's to making more as often as our Lord allows us to spend time together!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Not in My Plan

It was in my plan to travel to see my grandkids this week-end.  It's only an hour away, but winter weather has a way of changing my plans. . .and it did.  Icy and snow-packed roads changed the plan.  My hubby called mid-morning and informed me I could do whatever I wanted with my day, but travel would not be a part of the plan.

What to do?  A phone call to my best friend who lives a state away seemed like a good idea. . .and it was!  Then I managed to get my eldest grandson to talk to me on the phone.  Yesterday when I wanted to thank him for the Valentine he made me, he wasn't interested.  I finally got the humidifier filed with water and plugged in. . .it's the one we have had for over a year now and for some reason have let it sit idle.  A pile of "to be mailed" items finally got packaged up and are ready for their trip to the post office.  And my assignment to make a sign for our Women's Ministries special offering is finished.  [We are doing a "Souper Bowl of Caring" offering in a soup kettle tomorrow, which will go to two great causes:  Convoy of Hope & a Scholarship Fund]

Somewhere in the midst of this my husband arrived home.  He announced he was going to find room for the Christmas tree in our storage room in the basement.  It has been undecorated for some time now, and has moved from the corner of the living room to the corner of the dining room, so it was time.  It was also time to do one of our "straightening up the storage room" projects.  You know how they go.  Pull things off the shelf, shuffle through them, throw away a few things and rearrange the rest so it fits better.  It seems to work for us.  Someday someone just needs to go in there when we're not home and throw a lot more!  I'm thinking that job will be left to our kids once we have moved "across the Jordan River to the other side".  At least in the midst of the shuffling, we succeeded in getting all the Christmas totes and boxes put away.

A quick trip to the grocery store provided what was needed to make party mix for the Super Bowl party at the parsonage tomorrow.  It is now cooling on paper towels on the dining table.  Even half a batch makes a lot!  Still on the agenda is organizing songs for tomorrow's church service, writing one of my "Saturday Seeking" devotionals, and putting away the finished laundry.

For not having a plan, it seems a lot got accomplished.  Still, the original plan would have been way more fun!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thoughts and Prayers

This morning my mind is not with me, but in Sioux Falls, SD.  Our niece's 6 week old baby is facing surgery this morning because her liver is not functioning properly.  What does one do when faced with a storm such as this?  Two things help me. 

I remember what God's Word says:

From Psalm 139:
13 For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
   when I was made in the secret place,
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
   How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
   they would outnumber the grains of sand—
   when I awake, I am still with you.

And God brings to mind a song promising peace:

When the world that I've been living in collapses at my feet
When my life is shattered and torn
Though I'm windswept and battered, I can cling to His cross
And find peace in the midst of the storm

There is peace in the midst of my storm-tossed life
Oh, there's an anchor, there's a rock to cast my faith upon
Jesus rides in my vessel, so I'll fear no alarm
He gives me peace in the midst of my storm

Though I can't be there in person to offer support, I know God is with them. . .and with the grandparents who face the hours of waiting and wondering.  Hard for me to empathize, as I've not had to be in their position.  But in response to a prayer request I sent out, I heard from someone whose son had a heart transplant as a baby. . .and is now 12 years old!  He can empathize to what they are going through. . .and offer prayers even more fitting than the ones I fashion. 

Today I will go to work at Farmers State Bank.  But my focus will be elsewhere!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Football & Water Walking

It seems these two things would have little in common.  Still, through watching one, the other made sense.  It's football playoff season, so our TV has been tuned in to the games whenever they are on.  Today's second game was especially important, as our son's favorite team was playing.  It being Sunday, I missed the first half of the game.  (Sunday afternoons are a great time to nap.)  When I came on the scene, his team was down and struggling.  The quarterback, who rarely threw interceptions, had his first in a long time.  The offensive line allowed 5 quarterback sacks.  From my vantage point, it appeared they had lost their drive.  Although they did score two more touchdowns, they lost the game by seven points.

My husband and I missed the final minutes of the game, as we attend a Bible Study in our pastor's home on Sunday nights.  We are doing a DVD Study series entitled, "If You Want to Walk on Water You've Got to Get Out of the Boat".  The lessons have been challenging us to recognize our giftings, and then encouraging us to be willing to move out of our comfort zone to use them for God's Kingdom work.  Putting this in the perspective of a football game, I thought of our church as a team.  Each one involved in the church has been given a special assignment from God, much as the coach of a football team has a special task for each of his players.  When all of the players don't give their best effort individually, the result is an unsuccessful effort by the whole.

One good thing about joining up with God is already knowing His team wins in the end.  The decision we face is whether we want to be an active player or simply sit on the sidelines observing.  One of the questions in our Bible study tonight was reflecting on what the other 11 disciples were thinking when they saw Peter walking on the water.  I don't know about you, but I'm willing to be out there trying instead of missing all the action.  As for that special assignment. . .guess I'd better go meet up with the Head Coach and see what He has in mind!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Male Brain

There are two males and one female living at my house. It has given me a good insight into the male brain.  Tonight I would like to shut off my female brain, which is constantly seeing one more thing to do before I go to bed.  Just for tonight I'm going to try think like a male brain, which can only focus on one thing at a time, and doesn't seem to see the many things to do.  I need to get to bed early, because it is going to be a busy day at work tomorrow.  And so for tonight, I will not go to bed "but first".  [. . .that is, "but first I have to get this done, and then that done, and then the other thing done.]  But I do have to wash my face, floss & brush my teeth, write in my prayer journal, read my Bedtime Blessings page for the day & think of 3 things to be thankful for to write in my gratitude journal.  Perhaps one of the things I can be thankful for is the female brain God gave me that can multitask when necessary!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday WOW's

Wednesday at our house means a quick evening meal.  Shortly after 6:30 my husband takes off in our Suburban to pick up kids to bring to our church.  Several other vehicles around town are doing the same.  We originally used a 15 passenger van to pick up all the kids who came to our Wednesday night children's ministry.  Now we use the van [don't tell, but I do believe they cram more than 15 in there!] and 5 other adult leaders each bring more kids in their personal vehicles.  If anyone has a good deal on a used bus, let us know! 

On a typical Wednesday night we have between 40 and 50 kids, ages 3 through those in 8th grade.  We begin together in the church sanctuary and sing a couple of lively songs.  From there we divide the kids into groups.  Those who are 3 and 4 years old are called "Rainbows".  My group is usually girls in kindergarten, although this year I also have the 1st graders.  We are the "Daisies".  The next age level of girls are called "Prims", followed by "Stars", and "Friends".  My husband is in charge of boys in kindergarten through 3rd grade, and the older boys usually get together at our school gym.  They are known as "Rangers".  It's a lively crew, but we love the fact we can plant the seeds of a Christian life in these youngsters.

When these kids go home at 8:00, another group gathers in the sanctuary.  These are the junior high and high school age kids.  There is more singing, a devotional (sometimes led by one of the youth) and prayer time, followed by a time for playing games and simply "hanging out".  Tonight we were treated by special guests. . .two brothers and a sister from a local home school famly who came to minister to us in song and testimony.  A delicious lunch of pizza, fresh fruit & bars was provided after the service.  It was a wonderful time of fellowship for both the kids and the adults who came to help.

Why does our church take time for the kids?  I guess it is because we are trying to pattern our lives after Jesus, and He always took time for children.  In Matthew 19:13-15 we find people bringing the children to Jesus to have Him lay His hands on them and be prayed for.  The disciples rebuked them for doing so, but Jesus was quick to respond.  “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 

So Wednesdays are a busy day for us.  But it is a fun kind of busy.  The reward is seeing the smiling faces and lives impacted for the Lord.  There may be a few gray hairs acquired along the way, but in eternity it won't matter.  Instead, it is then we will learn the stories of how seeds planted on a Wednesday night eventually grew into fruit God could use in His Kingdom.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Morning Pep Talk

It was one of those mornings.  I slept past my alarm.  While in the shower I received a work related call about a problem one of my co-workers was experiencing.  It was cold outside, and I really didn't feel like going to work.  Then I got in the car.  My new car.  I really like it, and feel blessed to be able to have it.  An added blessing is the leftover XM radio we get to enjoy until the contract runs out.  (The car, although new to us, is not brand new.   It is a year old, and was a lease return.)  The song playing this morning was just for me. . ."There's a Light at the End of This Tunnel" by a group called Third Day.  Here's a link to a video of the song.  It was a "pick me up" for my day.  Perhaps it's just what you need, too!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Go, Ducks!

Football has meant various things in my life over the years.  In high school it was a time to cheer for my classmates.  When I was dating my husband I actually thought I liked watching football, but looking back I think it was just an excuse to be with my "special someone".  When my son was in high school it was a time for traveling from town to town on our way to winning a state championship.  Now it is something I enjoy watching for a few minutes at a time, but mostly leave to my husband and son to enjoy together.

The Oregon Ducks have been a favorite team of my son's from way back.  At one point we bought him a Ducks jersey.  Tonight he got it out and even de-wrinkled it in the dryer to wear as he cheers on the Ducks in the National Championship game. 

As for me, there's something else in need of tackling.  There are some Christmas decorations to deal with.  As much as I love Christmas, it is time.  I won't be watching the game, but will check in occasionally to see how the Ducks are doing.  In my mind I will silently be cheering them on! 

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Sometimes I feel like I was meant to stay in the 60's and 70's as far as technology.  This is the time frame in which I grew up.  I'm comfortable there.  It seems I drag my feet in accepting the "latest and greatest" advances in technology.  When we first purchased a computer I was scared to death. . .until my brother encouraged me to "play with it".  He assured me there was nothing I could do to it that couldn't somehow be undone.  And I'm still learning.  I'm thinking I need to confer with my daughter on some of the details of this blogging adventure.  Seems there are way too many options and settings.  Is anything just "simple" anymore?

We finally broke down and got a cell phone.  Nothing fancy.  Just the basic phone to have along when we travel in case there is an emergency and we need to contact someone.  Although I keep it in my purse, it is seldom used.  As my husband says, "I really don't want everyone to be able to contact me anytime they want!"  There are times my son must just shake his head at my cell phone illiteracy.  Who knew to see the whole message you just push OK?  And to get back to the screen you don't have to open and shut the phone, just hit END?  These are things I'm learning. . .slowly.

And I'm not into texting.  I'm sorry. . .if I want to tell you something, I want you to hear my voice.  So much meaning is lost when you simply read words on a screen.  And I love to hear other people's responses by way of their voice, instead of waiting for them to click out their reply on the keypad.  Call me "old fashioned".  Call me "behind on the times".  It's just the way I am.  God accepts me this way, so why shouldn't you, too?

Then there is Facebook.  A wonderful tool.  My husband's oldest sister encouraged me to sign up to help stay in touch with family.  With my 3 siblings and my husband's 9, there is a lot of family out there.  I enjoy getting a peek into their world by way of status updates and photos posted.  I decided from the start I wasn't going to search out a lot of friends.  I made a deal with God to accept whoever He sent my way.  So far it's been a good experience.  I've been able to connect better with old friends.  It has provided me with new friends.  It has given me an opportunity to know people better and be of encouragement when needed.  It has given an avenue to share my weekly devotional writings.  ["Saturday Seeking"-if you're inteterested in learning about these, let me know!]  Still, I find myself wasting too much of my precious time all by myself in front of a computer screen, aimlessly scrolling from comment to comment, clicking a "like" button here, leaving a comment there.  What ever happened to "getting together with friends"?  I mean. . .in person??  Growing up there was a group of us who got together often to play games, listen to music, share experiences first hand.  Somehow it seems to be a lost art, and I miss it!

Technology. . .a good thing.  Without it we would still be living in the horse and buggy days.  But there is also room for some of the "good old fashioned way we used to do things".  Anyone interested in joining me?  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Come Into My World

For some time now my daughter has been blogging.  I love reading her posts and having a little window into her world as a young mother.  Looking back, I think it would have been a healthy thing to have such an outlet when I was her age!  And so tonight, while my husband and son are busy with football playoffs and I find myself alone in my world, I decided to start my own blog.  It may be just what I need to let go of my feelings when there is no one available to listen. 

As I was doing the dishes this evening the gentle voice of Amy Grant filled the empty spaces of the kitchen.  She is someone I first listened to when my children were young.  A couple of years ago, we found one of her Christmas album to enjoy.  Last fall, as we left on a road trip, we realized we had forgotten to bring a supply of CD's with.  A stop at a Bible Book Store brought several new CD's into our possession, one of them being an Amy Grant album entitled, "Somewhere Down the Road".  I have really enjoy listening to it.  Tonight, as I was thinking about what I might title my blog, the song "Come Into My World" came across the speakers.  What a great title!  Come Into My World.  As the song says, "If you are brave then come into my world!"