Monday, July 14, 2014

A Penny Found!

Walking to exercise class this morning I spotted a penny on the ground.  It was even "heads up", so considered safe to pick up.  According to one superstition, if it is "tails" you should leave it, as it would be bad luck.  The little saying made it's way through my brain:  "Find a penny, pick it up.  All the day you'll have good luck."

Another concept I've heard is finding a penny means someone in heaven is thinking of you and sent the penny to remind you of their love.  This is a good thought, too, but with so many special people waiting on the other side, I'd think we'd be seeing more pennies laying around!

There are people who purposely drop their change for someone to later find.  I remember how exciting it was if a coin was discovered as a child!  Personally, I like to keep the change and add it to one of our special spots. . .the antique pickle jar for pennies (currently full and overflowing to another glass bottle), the rose bowl for dimes (for a special church project) and the old fish bowl for quarters and nickels (our vacation "fun money").

It actually amazes me they still make pennies.  I heard once it costs more to make them than they are worth.  Wouldn't it make more sense to round everything off to the nearest dollar and eliminate the coins entirely?  Then we could turn in all the coin, melt it down and sell the metal.  Perhaps the funds could be applied against the national debt.  Amazing what thoughts can be generated from a single penny found!

The Bible talks about a woman who only had two small coins, but gave them as her offering.  Others gave great sums of money, but were considered not as generous because they gave out of their abundance, whereas she gave all she had.

What are you willing to contribute to God's work?

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