Thursday, July 17, 2014

Special People! Special Thoughts!

We're coming up on the third week-end in July.  Living in Crosby, ND, this means an increase in population due to the upcoming Divide County Threshing Bee.  People come from all over the United States and beyond to watch the antique tractors run through a parade, and to see how life once was on the prairie by strolling through our Pioneer Village.

Today was made extra special for me by the arrival of my dearest and best friend.  On top of this, we were invited to a birthday party for my brother and niece and were surprised to see more out of town guests who have been long time friends of our family.  There was good food, fellowship and abundant laughter as we caught up on each other's lives and shared memories.

Tomorrow my friend and I will be up bright and early to help serve breakfast to the early visitors to the Bee.  The hometown volunteers who make this week-end possible are always grateful when even the guests offer to help.  It's just the way we do things up here in North Dakota.

Expecting to hit the bed shortly after arriving home, I received a surprise "early" birthday present from my friend. Although my birthday doesn't come until the end of August, she wanted to see my reaction to her gift, so brought it with.

And what did I think?  I love it!  It was a plaque fitting for whatever comes our way over the week-end, and will serve as a constant reminder of her friendship and of WHO is in control!


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