Monday, July 28, 2014

Simple Moments of Prayer

There are moments in my life when I feel very overwhelmed.  Part of this comes from my perfectionistic tendencies which want to fix the world.  The other part comes from the realistic voice which reminds me I can't.

This morning was one of those times when I was feeling a need to be so many things to so many people.  It seems when I dwell on this, it only exaggerates the problems.  I found myself trying to sort through my thoughts to prioritize and figure out exactly what I could do and when.

It was then, in my frustration, I took a break and simply started scrolling through Facebook.  Far too much of my time is wasted doing this, but today I found myself asking God to speak to me through some random post on the newsfeed.

Not too far into my scrolling I came across a post from an organization called "Turning Point", which was available through DAVIDJEREMIAH.ORG.   It wasn't surprising to see it had been shared by my very dear friend.  The words were simple, but exactly what I needed for the day:

"Help me, O Lord, to take more time in my day for simple prayer.  Grant me the grace to leave the answers to Your perfect timing and perfect way.  In the name of Jesus I pray. . .simply.  AMEN"

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