Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dragonflies and Direction

Thursday began in a different way today.  Usually I am up and off to an outdoor yoga class by 8:00am.  Today, however, our class was cancelled, giving me an opportunity to sleep in.  After awakening, I looked out my kitchen window, and was welcomed by a host of visitors.

Flying everywhere in our backyard were dragonflies.  It seems on an annual basis they show up for a day or so and then move on.  Even by this evening, most of them were no where to be found.  Although they seem like a nuisance, we welcome them as they enjoy snacking on mosquitos!

Most of them were about three inches in length, with an even longer wingspan.  Doing some research, I found there are many different kinds of dragonflies.  My visitors were brown with black and white rings around the body.  Some also had light blue markings. 

As I watched them, I marveled at yet another of God's creations.  If they were able to talk, what kind of stories they would tell of their travels?  And how is it they know just where to fly and when to move on?  Perhaps they are following their own type of GPS unit, uniquely planted into them by their Creator.

If God cared enough about dragonflies to give them a sense of direction, how much more does He care for us, His children.  As a matter of fact, He cared enough to provide us with a wonderful guidebook for our lives.  Throughout the pages of the Bible we find hidden the answers to all of life's perplexing questions.  God's Word is a Living Word which speaks anew to us on a daily basis.

Why is it so often we neglect to read and heed the precious words?  With fondness I remember the words of my grandmother, given as her best advice at the age of 100.

Read the Word, and stick to it!

Have you had your daily dose of direction from the Lord today?

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