Sunday, July 27, 2014

In Christ Alone. . .Nearer and Clearer

This morning in our worship service, one of the songs we sang was "In Christ Alone".  The words were projected on a screen at the front of the church using a YouTube presentation.  As the song began, the background appeared to be blue around the edges, with a lighter spot in the middle.

If you are familiar with the song, the verses highlight the life of Jesus, beginning with His life as a helpless baby, and moving on to His death on a cross.  From there, the focus turns to His body lying in the ground followed by His glorious bursting forth as our risen again Savior.

The song alway moves me as I think about what Christ Jesus did for me.  What made the song extra special this morning was the way the video was presented.  As the song moved along, the blurry spot in the background gradually became clearer, until at the end of the song it became a clear picture of Christ.

How much do you know about the life of Christ, and how clear a picture of Him do you hold in your heart and mind?  Perhaps listening to this song will bring it all into focus for you!

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