Wednesday, July 9, 2014

German Words of Wisdom

One of the most enjoyable parts of retirement has been having the extra time to spend with my dear Aunt Mabel, who this year reached the age of 92.  You would never guess her age were you to follow her around for a day.  This evening I found her sitting on her deck surrounded by a yard filled with beautiful flowers, all tended daily by her amazing green thumbs.

Earlier she had been cutting up rhubarb to freeze, and had moved outside when she received a phone call from her daughter.  It was a good opportunity for me to say hello, as well.  After our phone conversations ended, another call came from a classmate of another daughter.  They were in town and were hoping to set up a date for pie and coffee.  They agreed on a day and time, and Mabel filed it away in her brain the need to bake pie later in the week.

Often I will find her cooking up a storm to help out with meals on her son's farm.  Until last year, when her kids took the key to her lawn mower away, she was cutting her own grass.  Now she relies on a young man to do the job, but misses the freedom to do it when she sees the need, which is often before he has the time to get there.

She hosts coffee parties for friends and is always looking for ways to lend a hand to anyone and everyone.  She truly amazes me, and has been a wonderful mentor to follow in life.  God certainly blessed me by giving her to me as an aunt, and also a godmother.

Tonight, as I watched her finish bagging up the cut rhubarb, I noticed a plaque on the wall.  Had it been there all along, or was I just seeing it tonight for the first time?  The inscription was in the language of her heritage. . .German:  "Arbeite und strebe aber lebe!"  Asking for a translation, she told me it meant, "Work and strive but love!"  Now that's what I call some good words of wisdom!  And it is obvious she lives by this mantra daily. 

Now, if I can just get the Norwegian half of me to listen, too!

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