Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Triumph or Defeat?

Yesterday's Supreme Court ruling involving the Hobby Lobby chain of stores has received a great deal of attention.  Depending on which side of the fence you are on, it could be a triumph or a defeat.  As I review the information floating around the Internet, there are valid points made on both sides.  So was the decision right or wrong?

Some time ago I read a book entitled "Everything Belongs" by Richard Rohr.  It would probably be beneficial to read it again, but as I recall there was a focus on seeing things not as "right" or "wrong" but as "everything belongs for a greater purpose".

Think about your own life.  If you search the memory banks long enough, you will likely come up with something which, at the time, seemed like "the right thing" to do.  Later on, however, as you look back on the incident, you may find it wasn't really right at all.  Conversely, something which seemed wrong at the time may eventually turn out to be a good thing.

Right or wrong, you can usually trace through and find a reason the event belongs in your life story.  If you can't see it now, there will be a point in time where God will make it all clear.  The same goes with events which happen in the world around us.

One of my favorite verses is found in Romans 8:28.  It says, "All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes."  I love the way it encompasses everything. . .things we feel are right and things we see as wrong.  Will it all be good?  If you look closely, it doesn't say everything will be good, but rather everything will work together for good. 

It would be nice if our world could be freed from controversy. But somehow, for now, it belongs.  What a blessing it will be when Jesus returns to put everything back in order.  Something tells me we might all be in for a few surprises when the time comes!

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