Monday, June 30, 2014

Catch the Moment

How has the weather been in your neck of the woods?  We have had three days of rain, wind and gloom.  Not a bit of sunshine.  Gray clouds.  Depressing.  And today it was really getting to me. 

Sunshine is my motivator.  Waking up to a sunny day inspires me.  Conversely, without the sun my ambition lags.  And so it was today.  Every chance I could, I complained about the lack of sunshine and tried to remind myself the sun really was there behind the clouds.

Then it happened.  It was mid-evening and I felt the room lighten.  I could almost hear the angels sing as the sun burst through the clouds.  My garden was rejoicing.  And then, as quickly as it came, it disappeared again behind the clouds.  Maybe tomorrow it will return.  One can hope!

As I thought about the little sunburst, I was thankful I hadn't missed it.  Had I been too wrapped up in the gloom, I would have.  It was a reminder of brighter days to come and the fact God is faithful.  I need to trust Him even in the dark times of life, when I can't see the sun.

And I am thankful for the reminder found in Psalm 112:4, which tells us,

"Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous (wo)man"

"Help me, Lord, today and every day to be gracious and compassionate and righteous so Your light can shine in me through every day of darkness and gloom.  Help me to rejoice in every moment, be it filled with sunshine or clouds, and trust You to see me through whatever comes my way.  Help me not to grumble when things are not as I think they should be.  I look forward to the day when we will not need the sun or the moon to shine on us, because Your glory will give us light and the Lamb, who is Jesus Christ, will be our lamp.  (Revelation 21:23)  Until then, help me catch each moment as You send it. . .and carry on!"

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