Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

Last night I had the opportunity to help three young girls create a scrapbook page.  They will be attending a church campout next week-end, and are given opportunities to earn "bucks" for items submitted.  Other possibilities they can choose from include craft projects and baked goods.

Around fifteen years ago, scrapbooking was something I really enjoyed doing.  My sister-in-law sold "Creative Memories" products, so with each visit to their home I came away with more paper, albums, stickers and gadgets to make creativity easier.  Unfortunately, if you visit my home, there are more albums waiting to be done than those completed.  It seemed, at the time, I had the desire and interest to do scrapbooking, but failed to find the free time to do it.

As I worked with the girls, I found myself thinking about all those unfinished projects.  Being retired, I certainly could carve out time to work on them again.  But somehow, although I now have the time, the desire and interest were missing.

And so it is, I must resort back to the words of Ecclesiastes 3. . ."To everything [turn, turn, turn], there is a season [turn, turn, turn], and a time for every purpose under heaven."  Did I catch you singing?  The best I can do is daily wake up asking God a question.  "What, Lord, can I do today to best make use of my time for your purposes?"

The answer for tomorrow is an easy one.  I will be off to Williston to see the grandchildren's VBS program.  I'm so thankful He has given them to me to love and nurture, preparing them for such a time they, too, will devote their time for His purposes.  Life is good!

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