Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Song for Sunday

We are back to Sunday, and once again our Bible Study featuring Andy Stanley brought a song to mind.  Last week it was an old hymn, and today it was a relatively new song by Matt Redman entitled "Your Grace Finds Me".  The focus was on the fact we are no longer under the law, but grace.

In tonight's study we learned about the error of our ways when we view Christianity as a "religion", filled with "you ought to" and "you don't" rules.  Instead we need to learn to abide in Christ and establish a relationship where, as John 15:5 says, He is the vine and we are the branches.  Only when the branch is connected to the vine will there be evidence of fruit.

In my Bible, there is a passage in Galatians 5:13-26, which comes with the heading of "Life by the Spirit".  Andy Stanley used verses from this passage to teach us about walking by the Spirit, and keeping in step with how the Spirit leads.  If, he said, we are led by the Spirit, we are not under the burden of living under a set of rules or laws.

Another mistake often made by Christians is looking at the list of "spirit fruit" found in Galatians as another "to do" list.  We tell ourselves we need to come up with more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control in our lives.  What was pointed out, however, was the fact fruit is the result of something happening internally.  It is produced in and through us, not by us.  The secret is remaining "in the vine" or in Christ.

Coming away from the study, I was humbled to think about the grace extended to me so freely by God, and the freedom I have in Christ, not to live however I want, but rather to live according to the direction of the Holy Spirit.  Any fruit which becomes evident in my life is only there because of my relationship with and connection to Christ. 

You can experience the song, "Your Grace Finds Me" by going to this link on YouTube:   My prayer is the song will speak to your heart as it has mine.  As we head into another week, let's concentrate more on abiding in Christ than following a set of rules.  The world may end up a little "fruitier", but I'm thinking this will be a good thing!  

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