Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Nature At Its Best"

They say the blues and greens of nature are good for a person's mental health.  If this is true, today was the perfect day for soothing the mind.  Not only is it the first day of summer, and thus the day with the most hours of daylight, but it is also a day we set aside to take a road trip across northern North Dakota.  

Our destination was the International Peace Gardens, where our niece had been attending Music Camp all week.  Along the three and a half hour route, the bright green of the new crops and well watered ditches contrasted with the blue of the sky and small bodies of water, making it a most relaxing drive.

Meeting up with our niece and her family, we attended the choir and band concert which was the culmination of the week long camp adventure.  Her instrument of choice is the trombone, and we were amazed at the quality 
of music performed by this group of middle schoolers after only a week of playing together.

Following the concert we took time to walk around the grounds of the International Peace Gardens, which was built directly on the border of the United States and Canada.  A stream of water runs on the 49th parallel through the formal gardens.  Every year they bloom anew with color, although this is quite early in the season and many of the plants had only recently been planted.   I would love to return later in the summer when the flowers are in full bloom.  The advantage of going this time of year is seeing the rich greens of the grass, and the early blooming perennial plants.  

What fun God must have had on the  third day of creation when He created every kind of vegetation.  As we made our way through the vast display of plants today, I was once again reminded our God is one of great variety, with each type of flower and plant unique in its own way.  What a blessing He decided to throw in color instead of leaving the world black and white!

This week open your eyes to the beauty of God's world.  As you do, take time to thank Him for it.  If there are botanical gardens or special parks in your area, take the time to explore them.  You just might find yourself agreeing with God's assessment of all the vegetation He created on day three.  What was it?  Genesis 1:12 tells us He "saw that it was good".  After a day out in nature, I overwhelmingly agree!

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