Saturday, June 14, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Our Fathers" (written 06-16-12)

Change a 26 to 28 and a four to a six to make this current for 2014:

With  tomorrow being Father's Day, I found myself doing the math. Since my father passed away in January of 1987, the last time I was able to wish him a “Happy  Father's Day” in person was 26 years ago. More than a quarter of a century in our perception of time, but not all that long ago in the scope of eternity. He combined the life of a hard-working farmer with a love for flying, which provided him a second employment opportunity in doing aerial crop spraying.  Still today, the times I'm reminded of him the most are associated with these two things he loved. Each spring as the crops come up, through the summer as they grow, and into the fall when the crops yield their harvest, there is a  cycle he lived over and over in his lifetime. And each time the buzz of an airplane comes from the sky, it seems as if he is once more telling me “hello”,  as I remember the many times he would fly overhead and “wave” as he tipped the wings back and forth.
Thinking back, I don't often remember him telling me he loved me in a verbal affirmation. It seemed it wasn't necessary, as it showed through his faithfulness in providing for our family, in his smile when he arrived home after a busy day in the field, and through the kind and generous spirit he shared not only with his family, but with anyone who crossed his path. He was a “people person” and often struck up a conversation with a stranger, leading one to believe they were long, lost friends.
Another “father figure” in my life was my father-in-law. It has now been four years since the last time a Father's Day was shared with him. As a carpenter, his work involved both building the new and repairing the old. He, too, was a “people person” who loved to visit with anyone and everyone. From what my husband has told me, “I love you” was not something he often said, but instead it was shown through the way he cared for his family.  He also had a love for music and enjoyed sharing his deep, bass voice in song.
There is something about both these men which gives me a picture of our Heavenly Father. Kind, loving, generous, and faithful are just a few of the words that come to mind. God's love is not one we hear in a booming voice from heaven, and yet it comes to us through the beauty of nature, the completeness of His written Word, and His provision for our every need.
Not everyone has been blessed with a positive “father figure” in their life. For some, he wasn't in the picture. For others he may have been abusive. As I realize this, I find myself very thankful for my own experience growing up, and for the fact the man I married is a wonderful father to our two children, and now expertly handles the role of Grandpa. too. I'm also thankful for a great son-in-law, who is such a good Daddy for my grandchildren, raising them to know and love our Heavenly Father.
As another Father's Day rolls around, take time to honor the “dads” in your life. If they are still with you, take time to show them your love, and thank them for all they have done for you. If you are a dad, know the best instruction manual available is God's Word. For those of you who, like me, have said farewell to your father here on earth, think back on the precious memories while looking forward to the day we will once again be together as we gather around the throne. . .our Heavenly Father's throne!

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