Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday's Fruit of the Day - KINDNESS

A bird feeder has recently found a home in our back yard.  It is located where I can watch the birds come and go as I look out my kitchen window.  The most common bird to stop, by far, is the sparrow. 

The Bible talks about the sparrow being rather worthless. . .two sold for a penny.  And yet, according to Matthew 10:29, God knows when even one of them falls to the ground.  The next two verses indicate how much more we are worth to God.  He numbers the very hairs on our head, and considers us of more worth than many sparrows.

As I filled the feeder for the umpteenth time today, I found myself checking my attitude.  Instead of grumbling about having to do the task, I tried to focus on the fact doing so was an act of kindness toward one of God's most insignificant creatures.

Later, as I was giving a friend a ride to do errands, (her car had recently died) it felt good to be able to demonstrate an act of kindness to this widow lady who is worth much more to God than many sparrows.

Have you sprouted any kindness fruit today?  We can't change the world overnight, but we can be an instrument God uses to spread kindness. . .one deed at a time.    

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