Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday Fruit - PATIENCE

At some point overnight, we received rain.  A glance out the kitchen window revealed a wet sidewalk and glistening grass.  Then my eyes rested on the garden.  It seemed as if it had grown overnight!  With cooler temperatures this year, things just hadn't been growing as quickly as I thought they should.

You'd think, as a farmer's daughter I would realize the world of gardening would require some patience.  If you aren't waiting for rain, you're waiting for warmer temperatures and sunshine to hurry the process along.

What I am realizing is things happen in God's time and not mine.  It's a lesson I'm learning with my gardening and also regarding changes I would like to see happen in the world around me.  What is the old saying, "Lord, grant me patience. . .and I want it right now!"

Meanwhile, we did eat some radishes from the garden today!

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