Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Triumphs on Tuesday

It was Election Day today.  The results are in and once again I can claim the title of "Lady Di", as Bert was elected mayor.  His career in city politics began at the age of 21 when he was elected to the city council.  After twelve years of service, he ran for mayor, and ended up serving twenty years in that capacity.

Four years ago he was defeated by another local gentleman, giving him a break.  His heart has always been in the rhealm of politics, however, and when the opportunity came up to run again, he filed.  Some people asked me if he really wanted those headaches back, but truthfully, he likely had more headaches watching from the outside.

On a side note, Bert's brother, Doug, also was elected to the City Council and his brother, Don, to the Park Board.  How many mothers can attest to having three of her sons elected on one day?

Was this a triumph?  Perhaps, in a way.  Yet, as I see it, God is the one ordaining who is in power at every level, and will direct the affairs of our community.  As for my job, at the top of the list will be praying for all those elected, that they will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

It has been fun having our daughter and grandkids here to share in the evening, as we attended the "Classic Flix" showing of the movie "Mary Poppins".  Coming home they were told Grandpa was elected mayor to add to the excitement.  What could be said to wrap up the day, other than it was "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"!

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