Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday's Cleaning Triumph

Housework has never been a high priority at our house.  When the kids were in school, I actually had a lady come to our home every Friday and clean.  Every week we would go through the same routine on Thursday night.  "Pick up the house, the cleaning lady is coming tomorrow" was followed by the complaint of "Why do we have to clean for the cleaning lady?"  They never did quite get the fact she was there to clean and not pick up after us.

As time went on, I eventually "downsized" to having someone come in every other week.  Certainly, I reasoned, I could keep things up during the off weeks.  As it turned out, the effort put into my turn never quite measured up, but I had a clean house once every two weeks.  It was a good feeling.

Enter retirement.  Surely, I could handle the housework when work wasn't calling my name every day.  About this time, the lady who cleaned for me had a shift in her scheduling and wondered if coming once a month would be sufficient.  The arrangement worked very nicely, although I must attest to the fact the house was really only clean once a month (or if there happened to be company coming!)

Then came the news.  My cleaning lady was leaving town.  Sigh.  Now I really had to come up with a plan.  That was a month ago.  I still don't have a plan, but today I really cleaned the kitchen.  So good, in fact, I could even see the cute little piggy salt and pepper shakers, the hen on a nest salt and pepper shakers and the miniature cream seperator which came from my grandmother's kitchen.  It was most refreshing!  Did I mention, I can even see the entire counter tonight? 

As for the cleaning plan, I've scoped out a few options online.  One was the perfect 30 day plan where you only had to invest 20 minutes each day and be on top of everything all the time.  Somehow it sounded a bit too good to be true.  And you know what they say about things that sound too good to be true. . .

There is a verse found in Proverbs 16:3 which may be beneficial.  "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed".  I'm not sure Solomon had housework in mind when he wrote the verse, but I'm claiming it.  And if you have a working plan at your house, please clue me in!


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