Saturday, June 7, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Colors of Spring"

Driving to Williston yesterday and back home today, I was reminded of a writing done several years ago.  It is a scene which plays out each spring here in North Dakota, and one I never tire of seeing.  May you, as well, find color in your spring!

06/02/07 Colors of Spring

Despite the fact spring brings on a battle with allergies, it is still one of my favorite times of the year. Driving back and forth to Williston several times in the last week gave me an opportunity to soak in the beauty of the scenery along the way. The hillsides are decked out in bright green, and on a clear or partly cloudy day the blue of the sky is breathtaking. In my growing up years I always enjoyed flying with my dad during this time of the year, as the contrast between the colors reminded me of a patchwork quilt. There would be patches of newly sprouted green crops, water reflecting the blue of the sky, and the brown dirt of the summer fallow fields. In today’s farming world, most of the farmers plant their crops “fencepost to fencepost” and instead of giving the land rest, they vary the crops planted and fortify the soil with fertilizers and chemicals to enhance the productivity. A part of me misses the old routine of giving half the land time to refresh.

If we go way back in history, we find God’s farming method was to observe a “sabbath rest” every seventh year. (Leviticus 25). During this year no one was to sow or reap and God promised He would send such a blessing in the sixth year the yield would be enough for three years. The farming profession has always been one requiring great faith, as God is the one who provides the sunshine and rain to make the crops grow. Seems to me the seventh year must have required an extra measure of faith to trust God would provide even when no work was done.

Getting back to the colors of spring, mingled in with the greens and blues are an array of other colors. . .the robin’s red breast, the pink blossoms of the flowering trees and the lavender lilac bushes. Even the unpopular dandelion flower gives us a bright spot of yellow, tempting little fingers to bring their mother a bouquet. Around Crosby many have been busy planting flowers to provide beauty throughout the summer. Even though our growing season is short, the flower gardens are a welcome sight and a reminder of the variety God included in His creation.

Along with the bright, sunny days of spring come a number of gloomy, gray days to provide the moisture needed for growth. It is always interesting to hear the comments of people when they are evaluating the rainfall. “There isn’t enough moisture” quickly turns into “It’s too much!” when a downpour comes through the area. I try to remind myself (and others, when given the chance) of the fact God is always in control and knows just what we need and when we need it.

A trip to the grocery store brings home more color. . .yellow bananas, golden apricots, purple grapes, orange carrots, green broccoli and pink lemonade. While you enjoy the colors around you this week, remember to say a prayer of thanks to the God who created them.

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