Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Moments of Blessing

Looking back on my day, the blessings were many:

-Waking up to sunshine and blue skies for my walk to morning exercise class
-Finding everything half price at the Hardware Hank Greenhouse meaning a good deal on Rebekah's veggie starter plants, and just a few more flowers for me.  (One never can have too many flowers for a North Dakota summer. . .our winters are long!)
-Bert needing to take an afternoon trip to Minot, and asking me to ride along
-Finding the orange pepper plant, which was the only thing Rebekah wanted not available in Crosby
-Enjoying a wonderful meal of chicken noodle soup and salad at Panera Bread in the company of my husband.
-Coming home to find God had watered my garden and plants
-Enjoying a relaxing Epsom salt bath before heading to bed

So, all in all, I guess I shouldn't complain when what I thought was allergies turned into a summer cold as the day progressed.  Thankful for Kleenix, Tylenol, pineapple juice and a warm bed to cozy up in.  Praying I feel better in the morning, since plans are for the grandkids to arrive in the afternoon to attend the evening showing of "Mary Poppins" at the Dakota Theatre.  And if I don't, a cold is a rather minor inconvenience as I remember those facing bigger battles in my nighttime prayers. 

Have you counted your blessings today?

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