Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday Triumphs

Interestingly, the word "triumph" can be both a noun and a verb.  Used as a noun, it means a victory or achievement. Changing to a verb, it becomes the act of achieving a victory or being successful.  As I look back on the past week, do I see any triumphs? 

Last Friday I was successful at getting a garden planted.  Over the last two evenings I completed planting the flowers purchased to brighten my yard over the summer.  God even rewarded my efforts by sending a good rain to give everything a good watering.  [Please do not mention this to any of the farmers in the area.  They are not a big fan of rain until after the crops are planted!]

Perhaps the best achievement by far, however, was taking the time to read a book.  Since I was a little girl, I have always loved to read.  My house has an overwhelming amount of possibilities on hand, should I ever get an inkling to read.  One would think retirement would be a time when lots of books would be read, but instead I find myself delegating it to the end of my "to do" list and rarely take the time.  That is, until this last week.

It all started with a stop at the meat market in Beulah, ND last Thursday.  We had purchased part of a beef and this was the place it was cut and wrapped.  A bonus surprise was finding the owners also maintained a small selection of items for sale, including books and gift items.  It was like a miniature Bible Book Store, and I found myself browsing while Bert helped load our coolers.

As I turned the display rack to check out the books, one in particular caught my eye.  "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn.  My brain reminded me of a time when this title had been mentioned while visiting with a friend.  Picking the book off the rack, I proceeded to read the rest of the cover. 

A subtitle indicated the book was about "the ancient mystery that holds the secret of America's future".  Reviews included words such as "extraordinary", "stunning" and "mind blowing".  It was a New York Times best seller, and over 1,000,000 copies had been sold.  Turning to the back of the cover, I learned this mystery is behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy.

Making a quick decision, I made the purchase and proceeded to start reading while we made our way home, approximately a three hour drive.  It proved to be one of those books you didn't want to put down, with each chapter revealing more interesting facts comparing the history of the United States to a pattern of events played out in Biblical times in the history of Israel.

Both countries were started with a Godly foundation, and both turned away from God as time went on.  Eventually, God removed His hedge of protection, leaving them vulnerable to attack.  The similarities between historical events are, as the review so aptly stated, "mind blowing". 

It is a book I feel every American should read.  It certainly was an eye opener to me about the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks in New York City, and the things which have taken place since then.  It closes with a challenge to everyone who reads the book, showing the need to recommit our nation to God.

And so, as one of my triumphs for the week, I add to my list of books read one entitled "The Harbinger".  If you are interested in learning more about the book, check out this link to an interview Pat Robinson had with the author on his television show, "The 700 Club".  www.cbn.com/tv/1471942971001  If you don't want to purchase the book, check with your local library and see if they have it available.  You won't be disappointed!  

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