Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Song for Dad

We've had a rather "low key" Father's Day.  Summer colds have been making the rounds, and a relapse of mine kept me in bed much of the day.  Plans to cross paths with our daughter and her family changed when rainy weather cancelled their plans to go fishing nearby.  Thankfully, the newest restaurant in town was featuring several specials, which were packed  in "to go" boxes for our evening meal.

As I looked through old picture albums, I was reminded of the great man my father was.  I look forward to meeting up with him again "when I finally make it home".  A song with this title, sung by the group Mercy Me,  reminds me of the upcoming reunion with my earthly father and also getting to meet my Heavenly Father.  Dedicating this song tonight to my father, Delton, and praying it somehow speaks to your heart, as well.

You can access the song here:      

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