Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Triumphant Party!

There's nothing quite like successfully pulling off a surprise birthday party.  Better yet, when the birthday lady is a very special one who happened to turn 90 today.  Actually, she won't tell her age, but some pretty reliable sources made it be known today.

Since my retirement last year, I have been greatly blessed through visits with this wonderful woman.  Although I have always known who she was, it wasn't until this past year that I've had the opportunity to really get to know her.

Imagine all she has experienced in her lifetime.  She grew up on a farm south and west of Crosby.  She was a hard worker, both for her father growing up, and in later years at various businesses in Ambrose and Crosby.  She has worn many hats over the years, but most of them have a common thread to them.  She enjoys working with food, and she loves being with people.

What a joy it was to see her walk into "Just Jude's", assisted by her son, only to be welcomed unexpectedly by a room full of friends singing "Happy Birthday".  At first, she was nearly speechless and could hardly believe what was happening.  Later, as friend after friend extended their greetings, she was generous with her thanks and had a warm hug for everyone.

God bless you richly, Louise!  You are a blessing to many!!  Happy, Happy Birthday to you!!

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