Thursday, July 10, 2014

In Need of an Overdose??

Everyone is in need of medicine now and then.  Sometimes you need the kind a doctor prescribes, and other times an over the counter product will do the trick.  Proverbs 17:22 talks about a kind of medicine we all can obtain for free.  Different translations use different wording, but all have the same connotation.  Be it a merry heart, a cheerful heart, a joyful or rejoicing one, Solomon, said having one would do good like a medicine.

Often you will hear the phrase, "Laughter is the best medicine".  If this is true, those of us attending John Bayer's "One Man Show" tonight got an overdose.  His book, "15 Months of Winter--My Year in North" is now available in bookstores and online, but hearing his humor live and in person was just what I needed.

As I listened to the sound of many people laughing, it warmed my heart. . .must have been the medicine taking effect!  Perhaps that is what's missing in today's world.  People walk around, cellphone in hand, most of the time quite expressionless.  If it's like our house, the blank look is also found in front on an iPad, computer or TV.

What do you think?   Are we in need of an overdose of this good medicine?  Tonight was a good start!

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