Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Fruit - SELF CONTROL

Anyone who knows my husband knows he has a sweet tooth.  Although candy is not often a temptation for me, there are certain things I have a hard time resisting.  One of them is candy corn.  Why, I'm not sure, since it is sickening sweet.  But, without fail, I have to buy at least one bag of the orange, yellow and white kind at Halloween and another of the pastel colored ones at Easter.

This past Easter, I told myself, "One bag only!".  Then came the after Easter sale at J.Co. Drug and there were two bags of discounted candy corn.  "Okay, just one more bag, but I'm not getting both of them!" came the little voice in my head.

Fast forward a couple of months and the last bag was still there, now on the 4th of July clearance shelf.  And, yes, this week I bought it.  Now it has it's place in a quaint candy dish on the shelf of our corner china hutch.  Each time I go past I find myself stopping and taking one of each color. . .yellow, pink, purple and green.  It is still sickening sweet, only now not as fresh.  But I eat it because it's there.  

This, I decided is the secret to keeping me from eating candy.  Simply don't bring any into the house.  If it's not there, I don't miss it.  I don't crave it.  I love snacking on fruit instead.  But sadly, if it's there, I eat it. 

Many times I've asked my husband to please abstain from bringing candy into the house.  But he just can't resist it, especially those big "Child's Play" bags with tootsie rolls, tootsie pop suckers and dots candies.  As a good wife, I try to keep healthier snacks on hand.  Things like peanuts, pistachios, almonds and cashews.  Oh, he'll eat them, too.  But the sweet tooth needs satisfying often.  It's what happens when you have an addiction, in this case, to sugar.

How do you break an addiction?  It comes down to the last item listed in the "Fruit of the Spirit" in Galatians 5:22-23.  My personal opinion is self control is the last fruit, because it is the hardest to obtain.  Consequently, if you see my husband buying candy, please ask him to kindly not bring it home!


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