Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday Thoughts - My Way or Your Way?

In our community there are three churches.  St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Concordia Lutheran Church and Crosby Assembly of God.  While I was growing up there was also a Presbyterian Church and a Lutheran Brethren Church. 

The roots of my faith come from the Lutheran Church, and then I fell in love with a young man who attended the Assembly of God.  What to do??  He actually didn't give me many options.  Basically, he informed me I could do whatever I wanted as far as church attendance, but he wasn't changing.

Okay, then.  I couldn't foresee trying to raise a family in two different churches, so opted to make the change.  Surely, I figured, it couldn't be all that different.  Turned out on the most important issues we agreed. 

There is only one God.  He exists as God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.  God's Word is our source of infallible truth and is the guideline for our lives.  God so loved the world He sent His son, Jesus, to earth as a baby to grow and live a sinless life, then be crucified on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.

Over the years, I have learned to accept there are differences, as well.  The Lutheran Church is more liturgical, with a set order of service.  The format of the services at the Assembly of God is less structured, and yet still follows a similar pattern each week. 

The truth is, God isn't interested in the name of the church you attend.  Instead, He is looking for the sincerity of your heart.  Are you truly seeking a relationship with Him through belief in Jesus?  Are you wanting to pattern your life after the example Jesus left us?  Are you wanting to find fellowship with others who believe as you do?  Are you looking to spread God's "Good News" to others?

Sometimes I think denominations are a tool of the devil to keep us divided.  After all, if we ever would all get on the same page, he wouldn't have a chance!  On the other hand, God is a God of variety.  How many different kinds of trees are there?  How about flowers?  Or animals?  Or birds?  Or fish?  Yes, looking at His creation, I get the impression God is okay with being of the same core and yet being unique. 

So who is right?  It matters not as long as my way and your way are God's way! 

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