Tuesday, July 29, 2014

All in A Day

From morning to afternoon and on into the evening, Tuesdays are always busy in my world.  An outdoor yoga class starts the day, and today we were pleased to have two new members join our group.  Stretching is good for the body, and the beauty of the outdoors is good for the soul.

Once back home, there were flowers to water and the garden to check.  The lettuce is particularly prolific this year, and sugar snap pea pods are quickly filling out.  Three cucumbers have already been picked, and it looks like several more are close behind.  Sharing may become part of the plan!

Retirement has given me the freedom to join with a group of "Music Makers" who perform weekly at our nursing home, and monthly at the assisted living center.  Today was our "double duty" day with an hour of music at each facility. 

Piano, guitar, accordion, harmonica and rhythm sticks are handled expertly, and with a new pastor in town we've gained a banjo player.  It is a joy to provide the vocals, while many in the audience sing along, or tap a toe in time to the music.

With the music lingering in my brain, it's off to water aerobics at the outdoor swimming pool.  Once more the blues and greens of nature are an added blessing to my time of exercise.  The water feels cold to begin with, but soon we warm up with the rigorous movements.

Walking home, the age old question goes through my mind.  "What's for supper?"  It was a real treat to find my hubby all ready to cook steaks on his newly assembled grill.  Potato salad from the grocery store deli added to the meal, along with watermelon to finish it off.

Having been busy all day, the evening was devoted to my daily visiting routine.  Two very special women in their 90's bless my world as I take a few minutes to check in on theirs.  One is my aunt and the other a newly found friend in retirement.  What a wealth of knowledge and history they are!

Now, once again back home, I wind down the day and look for a triumph in my Tuesday.  Perhaps just getting through it all is a triumph in itself!  Paging through my Bible, my eyes fall on the words of Psalm 62:5-7:

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Yes, indeed, it has been a good day!

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