Tuesday, September 30, 2014

25 Hour Triumph

Over the course of the last day, my diet has been an interesting one.  Because of a treatment I was given to help my body absorb B Vitamins better, I was instructed not to eat anything with B Vitamins over the next 25 hours.  I then received a sheet documenting exactly what this meant.

On the "Do not eat" side of the equation were whole grain products, fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products.  After reading this list, I had to wonder what was left to make up the list of things I could eat!  As the doctor had cautioned ahead of time, the list was pretty slim:  cooked white rice, cooked white pasta, cauliflower, well cooked or deep fried fish, salt, black coffee, French fries and purified water.

Since we were in Bismarck, my noon meal yesterday was a large order of McDonald French fries.  After reading once how their fries were made, I have eaten less of them, although they are still my all time favorite fries.  Eating them always brings back memories of my first semester of college, when my friend and I frequented McDonald's, mainly for the French fries.

By the time evening meal rolled around, we were back in Crosby, so I cooked up a big pot of white rice.  Not very exciting, but it did fill my stomach enough to make it through the night.  Another bowl of rice in the morning was far less than I usually eat for breakfast.  It was then God brought to mind the fact there are many around the world whose diet consists only of rice, perhaps only once a day.  Yes, there was no reason to complain.  We are way over blessed in the United States, and my skimpy diet would only last a few more hours.

By one o'clock my 25 hours were up, and I scoured the refrigerator to find something to fill my belly.  Carrot sticks, broccoli, and a leftover hamburger patty were more than enough to satisfy, and once again I found myself counting my blessings.

Now, as I type, a rich aroma is coming from the kitchen where Rice Krispie Chicken Breasts and baked potatoes soon will be ready to serve for our evening meal.  Sometimes I wonder how it is we were the ones to be given such blessings.  Then I remember God's command to the rich. . .to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.  (1 Timothy 6:18)  Something tells me we are behind on our obligations. 

But what can one person do to help?  Even if you can sacrifice a few dollars a month to an organization designed to help those in underprivileged countries, you can make a difference.  Better yet, make an effort to someday take a missions trip.  They say it's something we should all have on our bucket lists.

If you were to choose a place to go, where would it be?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Time to Meet Up"

Another League of Cities Convention has come to an end in the lives of Crosby's Mayor Bert and his Lady Di.  For Bert it was a time of attending meetings and rubbing shoulders with other city officials from around the state.  For me, it was either time alone in a hotel room or wandering among the masses at the Dakota Square shopping mall.

You would think it would be exciting to have an opportunity to "shop until you drop", but the truth is, malls overwhelm me.  There is such an overabundance of stuff, and much of it is non-essential items. I find myself doing more people watching than shopping. . .so many faces, most of them in a hurry, and not very many smiles.  I try to share some of mine, hoping to get a response.

In this particular mall, there is an area we call "the clock" which features a large clock viewable from all directions and a circular area of seating.  It is always amusing to take note of the many men sitting around waiting for their spouses to return from their shopping.

In a bigger arena Jesus Christ is waiting for a special time to arrive when He will meet up with His "Bride", the church.  According to Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32, the Father is the only one who knows when this special time will come.  Much like the men waiting by the clock, Jesus has completed His part of the arrangement and is just waiting.  Christians are often like those still shopping, scurrying around here and there checking things off their lists.

Since we do not know the hour or even the day of Christ's return, it is best to simply be prepared.  This is accomplished by establishing a relationship with Jesus, who is the way, truth and life.  Only those who are known by our Risen Savior will be given access to eternal life.

For God so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16

The time on the clock is ticking away. . .are you ready should the Father say, "It's time!"?

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friendship Joy

We have a dear friend from our past who now resides in an assisted living complex in Minot.  With no set plans for lunch today, it seemed a good idea to give her a call and propose a lunch date.  She was available, and we set the time and place.

What a joy to receive her welcoming hug as we arrived at the restaurant!  Our time together was spent catching up, reminiscing and sharing lots of smiles and laughter.  Later, after my husband was off to his meetings and we could chat further, we noted how sad it was people no longer take the time to visit among friends and between homes as we used to.

Though our time together was not lengthy, it was such a blessing.  As Paul thanked his friends in the city of Corinth, so do I give thanks tonight for friends who have made an impact on my life!

"I always thank my God for you because of His grace given you in Christ Jesus."  -1 Corinthians 1:4

Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Thankful Thursday

After an especially challenging week, it has been good to know today was the beginning of the relaxing week-end to come.  As the "First Lady" of Crosby, it was a privilege to join my husband, the mayor, on a venture to Minot, ND for the annual League of Cities Convention.

Tonight's agenda was not too difficult.  After getting settled into our hotel room, we headed across town for a wonderful meal at one of Minot's finest dining spots.  Better yet, the tab was picked up by our City Engineer!

Tomorrow there will be more activities and meetings for the mayor, and more time of relaxing for the "First Lady".  And for tonight, we will soon shut the lights off on another day.

"Thank you, Lord, for blessings too numerous to count!"

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

As Simple as ABC

Because of the unique way in which God shaped and formed my personality, there has been a diagnosis of "bipolar disorder" given to me.  It first manifested itself in my life over thirty years ago after the birth of our second child. 

Personally, I've never like the "disorder" part of my diagnosis.  From all I know about my Creator, He does not do disorder.  Therefore, I prefer to simply refer to it as "bipolar".  To a certain extent, we are all bipolar creatures.  No one lives their life perfectly "on the level" at all times.  Some of us, however, do have more of an issue with the extent of our ups and downs.

Over time, we have learned more about what causes the mood swings, and what can be done in a preventative way to avoid them.  At one point I developed an ABC list to remind myself of these things.  The list begins as follows:

A - Admit you have the illness
B - Believe God is in control
C - Communicate with your family

The older I get, the more I also realize this ABC list can be modified to fit life in general, and not just bipolar circumstances.  Today, as I continued to deal with the "skunk situation" in our rental house, God brought these ABC's to mind, with a slight modification.

A - Accept the situation
B - Believe God is in control
C - Communicate

Until this evening, we had been unable to connect with our renter other than through a few emails.  We weren't even sure where she was staying and lots of speculating had been done about what her expectations were.

Tonight, however, we were able to sit down together in our living room and "clear the air".  We outlined the steps we were taking to improve the smell, and she shared her desire to wait a few more weeks to see whether she would eventually be able to move back in.  

Hopefully, we will all be able to sleep better tonight, not because the situation has changed, but because we have communicated face to face and tried to better understand each other's circumstances. 

"An anxious heart weighs a man down,
but a kind word cheers him up."
~Proverbs 12:25 
Thankful tonight for kind words shared, anxiousness removed and our God who is indeed in control!
[If you are interested in learning about the D through Z of my list, feel free in contact me at saturdayseeker828@gmail.com]


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

One Day at a Time

Today was a challenging day to get through.  It started out with the usual Tuesday morning yoga class, which was helpful in relaxing me going into the day.  But the next item on the agenda was attending the funeral of a classmate's mother.  Seeing him go through his loss brought back memories from over twenty years ago when my mother passed away.  It didn't help when our parking spot at the cemetery ended up being directly in front of my parent's graves.

It was also hard for me to watch his father who was now separated from the woman who had been at his side since the time they were high school sweethearts back in the mid-forties.  At times like this, we simply cling to precious memories and our faith which gives us hope for the day we will once again be reunited with our loved ones.

Since it is Tuesday, my commitment of singing with the "Music Makers" at the nursing home was on the agenda for the afternoon.  As I prepared to go, I found myself getting tears in my eyes as the emotions from earlier in the day welled up within me.  I thought about the songs to be sung, and wondered how I would get through them.  Songs such as "Precious Memories" and "In the Sweet By and By" would only feed on the emotions. . .or so I thought.

Arriving at the nursing home, we were greeted by the residents, all so happy to have us come and once again brighten their day.  As I began singing, the emotions were replaced by a sense of peace, which had to come directly from the Holy Spirit.  The messages meant to minister to the residents, became just what I needed to get through the afternoon.  A song which especially resonated with me was "One Day at a Time".

After a quick supper, it was off to Northwest Chorus rehearsal.  I had squeezed in quick visits with my 90 year old friend and also with my dear aunt and godmother.  What a blessing to arrive home and find the dishes done.  My husband's love language is "acts of service" and he always seems to know when pitching in would be especially appreciated.

Yes, it has been another busy day in my life.  And now as I retire, I find comfort in the words of David in Psalm 62:5-7. . .
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday Songs - The Old & The New

This Sunday our pastor asked my husband and I to come up with three songs for the service, as he had a video he first wanted to share with the congregation.  What a blessing it was to witness a group of Marines gathered in a chapel service singing their rendition of the modern day song, "These Are the Days of Elijah".  If you would like to witness this experience, you can access the video here:


It was a tough act to follow, but we had lined up two old favorite hymns, "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" and "Great is Thy Faithfulness", followed by the more recent arrangement of a familiar hymn, "Amazing Grace - My Chains Are Gone".

Somehow, the messages all fit together to form a message we can't ignore.  We can always lean on the strong arms of Jesus to carry us through whatever comes our way.  Because of this, we are reminded of His great faithfulness to us.  We cherish the amazing grace God bestows on us, and because of it we are ready to become modern day Elijah's, declaring His Word to the world around us.

Yes, there is hope for our world! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Saturday Seeking Flashback - "Tiny Bubbles"

When Saturday rolls around, my mind automatically asks the question, "How is God revealing Himself to me in my everyday world this week?"  It started back in 2005 when the routine of doing a weekly devotional writing began in my life.  Over the years, God has taught me many a lesson, and continues to reveal Himself in fresh and new ways.

Today, however, my mind is tired and when I looked for a new message the only response I received was, "Look for one of the old writings to share".  And so it was, I pulled up the document file of writings and paged through, looking for things I was facing during other September weeks in years past.

The writing which resonated with how I was feeling today was first written four years ago.  May it speak to your heart today!

09/11/10 Tiny Bubbles

There are people who love to wash dishes. For the most part, I am not one of them. When faced with the task, a special memory from my past makes the process endurable. After squeezing the dishwashing soap into the running water, my mother taught me how to quickly turn the bottle upright and gently squeeze to produce a spray of tiny bubbles. Doing so not only reminds me of my mom, but also gives me the joy of seeing the bubbles float gently above the sink, looking for a spot to land.


This week has been a challenging one. To describe my mood, it felt as if I was living inside one of those bubbles, floating around, doing my thing, with no one to notice or care. After a long week-end with my family, relaxing in the beauty of the Black Hills of South Dakota, it was hard to get back to the reality of work. On top of a busy work week, our fall schedule started up, with Northwest Chorus practice on Tuesday night and our outreach to the children of our community on Wednesday night. Many people crossed my path in the course of the week, so why did I feel so alone? 

Thankfully, I was able to work through my pity party and things got brighter as the week went on. Friends assured me my life did make a difference, even when my mind was telling me otherwise. What a blessing to have these encouraging people in my life! On our coffee table was a book by Max Lucado to remind me “It's Not About Me”. It challenged me to reach out to others instead of focusing on self. At the same time, there was a small part of my mind wondering if there might be someone out there who could include me in their list of “others”.

My Bible reading today found me in the book of John, chapter 13. The story was about Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. In verse 15, Jesus told them, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” Summed up simply, we are to have a servant's heart. Instead of focusing on self, we are to find someone with “dirt” in their life and help them wash it off. Later in the chapter Jesus gave His followers the commandment to love one another. This would be how others would recognize them as His disciples. Loving service. . .really quite simple and easy to accomplish once we take our eyes off “self”.

To change my mood, it helped to think of bubbles in another way. One small bubble floating by itself doesn't offer much cleaning power. Bring together a bunch of bubbles, however, and you can easily say good-bye to the dirt. If the week finds you feeling alone in a bubble, look for another person who might be experiencing the same thing. Together, seek to find a way to make a difference in the life of someone else. Love as Jesus loved. Serve as He served. The reward is found in verse 17 of John 13, where Jesus says, “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”

Friday, September 19, 2014


Today was basically divided into two distinct parts.  The first involved multiple loads of laundry from the "skunked house" next door, as well as a fair amount of energy spent cleaning.  What a blessing it was to enjoy a beautiful, sun-filled day with just the right amount of breeze to quickly dry things on the clothesline.

A good deal of the furniture was removed from the rental house and placed in our garage, under the assumption it would need a cleaning.  What we discovered, however, was the fact the odor had not gotten into any of it.  For this, we praise the Lord!

To freshen things up within the house, floors and woodwork were washed, and I even brought a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough over to bake in the oven, hoping the aroma would sink in.  I can't say the skunk smell is 100% gone, but it is certainly much better.

To accomplish this half of the day, a great deal of patience was required as I waited on the washing machine to go through cycle after cycle.  I suppose I could claim kindness and goodness were at work in tackling all of this, but it was perhaps a bit more of faithfulness to my role as landlord which kept me going.  It also required some self-control to keep from giving up on it all!

As evening approached, I was reminded it was our local high school football team's homecoming game tonight, and we moved on to part two of the day.  It was a beautiful night, with one battle happening between two sets of football players on the field and the other taking place on the sidelines between the spectators and a swarm of mosquitos. 

The Divide County Maroons had a big victory, and we enjoyed honoring many from the championship team from1964 who were recognized during half time.  It was interesting to realize a good portion of the team still resides in the Divide County area.

Following the game, we attended the Coronation Ceremony in the high school auditorium.  It brought joy to my heart to see the king's crown end up on the head of a fine, young senior who attends our church.  The queen also was one who has been a part of our Wednesday night outreach over the years.

As we waited for the ceremony to begin, I couldn't help but think back to Homecomings in years gone by.  Our daughter was one of the queen candidates 18 years ago, and our son was crowned king three years later in 1999. 

Going back 41 years, it was my classmates who were up on the stage.  How I love the precious memories!

Yes, it was a mixed bag of fruit today, and I am so thankful for the evidence of each one in my life, all because of God's sweet Holy Spirit at work. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Always a Plan B

On my list of favorite days, today is not ranking very high.  It began with me thinking I would be riding along with my hubby to Williston, as he had a meeting to attend.  It seemed to be the perfect opportunity to see the grandkids and enjoy a relaxing afternoon.

The first indication of things not going as planned was finding out a meeting here in Crosby had materialized which was deemed more important.  Thus, no trip to Williston was necessary unless I went by myself, which seemed like a good idea.  Since my daughter had told me she had a lunch date, I would wait until afternoon to depart.

Then came the phone call from a friend who needed a favor in exchange for a lunch date.  This could still work, I reasoned, continuing to look forward to a "Grandma Fix".  But as time marched on, and other demands at home called my name, I eventually decided another day might work better.

On to "Plan B" which was to see what might help with the skunk odor next door.  Thinking perhaps the curtains had absorbed some of the smell, I took them down and brought them to our house to wash, only to discover there was no skunk smell on them.  Perhaps instead of washing them, they could be aired out on the clothesline.

Next on my line of attack was to use a product recommended by a Home Depot employee.  It could be sprayed in the air, used as a cleaning agent or even added to laundry.  After using it, I reported to our renter, only to find out she is allergic to eucalyptus, which was the fragrance base of the product.  Off to the store I went to see about something to clean up the cleaner!

Other suggestions we had followed included setting out bowls of vinegar and piles of charcoal.  Windows have been open and fans running.  An air purifier is being used, as well as a small fan with an "Essential Oil" product called "Purify".  A professional cleaner from a neighboring town stopped by on his way to another job to assess the situation and will be back next week to do what he can.

To say the whole situation has been frustrating is an understatement.  As my irritation level kept rising, my mind kept coming back to my great grandmother's advice at the age of 100:

Keep Calm
Take Everything as it Comes
Work Hard
Stay Close to God

It sounds so simple, and I'm trying.  But there are times it seems so challenging.  Today has been one of those times.  When my mind is troubled, I find myself reading through the Psalms.  How comforting to find these words to end my day:
God is our refuge and strength,
An ever present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A "FRUITFUL" Week-end

LOVE shared by two

JOY of family together

PEACE in our hearts knowing those no longer with with us in this rhealm celebrate elsewhere

FAITHFULNESS of lifelong friendships


PATIENCE as we wait for all the details to fall into place

Yes, it's nice to have a reason to be in Minnesota for the week-end as we gather for the wedding of my dear friend's son!

Home Again, Home Again

It has been an eventful few days in our life.  For five days we have been traveling, visiting family and friends, attending wedding festivities, taking part in an NFL football game (not me, just the guys!) seeing more friends and family and ending up safely back home.  Travel is something I dearly love, but I'm always thankful when the road brings us back to Crosby, ND.

An extra challenge thrown into it all was the fact a skunk was found and shot in the basement of our rental house, which is next door to our home.  This all took place the morning of the day we were to leave.  We felt horrible for our renter, but also couldn't change our plans.  After returning home, efforts have been made to begin the clean-up process.

Why is it sometimes God throws "stinky stuff" into our life's story?  It is a question I have been asking myself since the whole issue of the skunk materialized.  We were thrilled with our new renter, a sixth grade school teacher who actually had a connection to the house prior to moving in.  Her great aunt was the original owner of the cute, little one bedroom house at the time our house was built next door. 

As is often the case when I travel, a book was selected to read along the way.  Grabbing a couple of books to consider, the one which finally captured my attention was "Choosing to SEE" by Mary Beth Chapman (with Ellen Vaughn). 

The book tells the story of Mary Beth and her husband, Steven Curtis Chapman.  Steven is a popular contemporary Christian songwriter and singer, many of whose songs I have enjoyed over the years.  Reading the story of their lives, which included having three biological children and the adoption of three little girls from China, kept me captivated much of the ride.

As the story unfolded, I knew what was coming, remembering the events as they were shared over the news back in 2008.  One of the teenage sons was coming into the driveway of the Chapman home and didn't see his little sister running to ask him to lift her on the monkey bars.  A tragic accident ended the little girl's life and left the family with the unanswered question of "Why?"

As I read the final chapters of the book, I saw a theme unfolding which can be applied to all the "stinky situations" which arise in our lives.  Sometimes things happen which simply don't make sense, and no amount of searching will reveal the answers to our questions.  Instead, we must choose to see with eyes of faith to a place beyond this world where God will put everything back into proper order. 

Doing so requires a lot of trust, and a great deal of faith.  It is interesting how faith is defined in the Bible as "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see".  (Hebrews 11:1)  Things may not always pan out the way you think they should in this life, but be assured God has a much bigger plan for eternity and a purpose behind every "bump in the road" He brings you to. 

And remember, what He brings you to, He will always bring you through! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

To the Young Men in the Hot Tub

My post tonight is directed to a couple of men who were conversing in the hot tub while I ended my day doing water aerobics in the motel pool.

Your question to me was an interesting one, but also one which, thankfully, I never had to consider.  It seems your concern over whether or not a man should ask for a prenuptial agreement was not even something which would have crossed my man 's mind some 38+ years ago.

Tonight I am grateful to have grown up in a time and place where divorce was the exception and not the rule.  I'm thankful for parents who modeled before me a marriage of commitment through good times and bad, and "until death do us part".  I'm thankful for my husband who had stayed with me through all the ups and downs of our marriage.

Praying both of you, as young men, will come to know not only the true love for a woman which never would require a prenuptial agreement, but also the love of a Savior who modeled what true love should look like. . .

"Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church 
and gave Himself up for her."
-Ephesians 5:25

Yes, it never was a matter of "what's in this for me", but rather an example of "what I'm willing to give up for you".

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Unbroken Circles of Family & Friendship

Not many in life are blessed with the special kind of friendship I enjoy with my friend, Charlene.  It was way back in grade school our paths first crossed and we've been through "thick and thin" together ever since.

How special it has been to be with her family this week-end to witness the third of her five children pass into the world of marriage.  Although the temperature was a bit on the cool side for an outdoor wedding, the sun was shining and I'm thinking God and a host of others were watching from another vantage point.

We took time earlier in the day to visit their farm and see the progress on the home they have been working on since a tornado came through their farmstead and left them homeless four years ago.  They have a very special saying on their wall just inside the front door, which blesses me each time I see it:

Our family is a circle of strength and love
-with every birth and  every union the circle grows-
every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger

Praying for each of them this evening as the circle once again grows, allowing yet another to join the ranks.  So thankful for the love modeled by Charlene and her husband of 35 years, John, and our friendship which only grows sweeter as time goes by!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

"PEE-YEW!" (Translation to Norwegian - UFFDA!")

It has been a most interesting day in my world. . .even more interesting in our renter's world.  You see, we own the little one bedroom house next to ours, and over the course of the past week there has been a distinct odor leading us to believe there was a skunk in the neighborhood.  Live traps were set in hopes of capturing it, but all we managed to catch was a cat.

Early this morning, our renter woke to scurrying sounds in the [dirt] basement of the house.  Seeing the city employee out checking the traps, she asked him to come check the basement.  Opening the door to the stairway revealed the biggest skunk he'd ever seen.

What to do?  It seemed all options ended with the skunk letting off a spray, so they decided to shoot and dispose of it.  Unfortunately, the smell had already worked it's way throughout the small house, and it will likely be days, or perhaps weeks, before it dissipates.

As we were relaying the story to my husband's pastor brother tonight, we pondered if there were some kind of spiritual lesson in it all.  The passage which came to mind was 2 Corinthians 2:14-16.

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task?"

I'm just hoping my aroma as a Christian is a bit more pleasant than a skunk's!  Also, it came into question why it was God allowed the skunks to come on the ark prior to the flood??  All I know for sure is tonight there is one less left to contend with!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday Wisdom from Chambers

Lately I have been trying to read from a devotion book in the morning.  It seems for a time, my iPad was always the first thing which caught my attention in the morning, with email and Facebook to check.  One could get caught up in it for hours if a little discipline wasn't applied!

Then I started to get the feeling God was feeling neglected, so have tried to remember to give Him first place to start the day.  The book I have been using is one called, "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.

According to the forward in the book, Mr. Chambers was not famous during his lifetime.  He died at the age of forty-three in 1917, and was appreciated only among a small circle of Christians in Britain and the U.S. as "a teacher of rare insight and expression".  He had only published three books, and "My Utmost for His Highest" was not one of them.

It was his wife who, after his death, compiled his spoken words into thirty published books, many of which have become Christian classics.  "My Utmost for His Highest" is one of these, and the book I am using is a more modern "updated edition" edited by James Reimann, which puts the thoughts into a more understandable, modern day English.

Today's reading was entitled "Missionary Weapons", with a starting thought of "Worshiping in Everyday Occasions".  The first sentence really spoke to me:

"We presume that we would be ready for battle if confronted with a great crisis, but it is not the crisis that builds something within us--it simply reveals what we are made of already."

He goes on to expound further thoughts on the crises we face:

"Do you find yourself saying, "If God calls me to battle, of course I will rise to the occasion"?  Yet you won't rise to the occasion unless you have done so on God's training ground.  If you are not doing the task that is closest to you now, which God has engineered into your life, when the crisis comes, instead of being fit for battle, you will be revealed as being unfit.  Crises always reveal a person's true character."

He goes on to talk about Jesus telling Nathanael, "I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you." (John 1:48)  According to Mr. Chambers:

"If your worship is right in your private relationship with God, then when He sets you free, you will be ready."

Wow!  That was a lot to swallow right away in the morning, and has given me something to ponder again this evening.  Perhaps it will speak to your heart, as well.

To give credit where credit is due, the copyright of this book is 1992 by Oswald Chambers Publications Association, Ltd.
Original edition copyright is 1935 by Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc.
Copyright renewed 1963 by Oswald Chambers Publications Association.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

All in God's Time

This morning, as I checked my Facebook notifications, there was a reference back to a posting of three years ago.  Apparently, the conversation on our "If You Grew Up in or Near Crosby, ND" group page at the time had been about the various cafes which had once graced Main Street.  Mention was made of one in "The Nifty Shoppe" building.

This prompted my comment which was as follows:

"Speaking of the Nifty Building. . .if money were no object, what would your vision be for the building now?  It currently is sitting there gutted out and could use some attention!  Someone from MN bought it last fall and was going to renovate it, and started putting a new roof on it.  Alas, a storm blew the new roof off and a row or so of bricks along the top;. Would love to see this building restored!  What do you think??"

The next comment on the thread expressed hopes for a restoration.  The person expounded with the following thoughts:

"That is such a neat building it would be a shame for it to just totally deteriorate.  It seems like it could be turned into some lovely apartments."

This all took place in August of 2011.  Over the course of the next year, another company stepped forward and took on the renovation project.  The result was not only the availability of four new apartments for rent, but also the preservation of a landmark building in our community.

The thought which came to mind was how often God's timing and mine are not in alignment.  I question why it is God sometimes gives me the vision for something which will not be accomplished until years down the road.  There are even times I find myself shaking my finger at God and asking Him to please not give me ideas if it is not the time for someone to move forward with the plan.

And then I am guessing He just chuckles at me and reminds me there are lessons in patience He has to teach. . .and trust.

"To everything there is a season, 
and a time for every purpose under heaven."
~Ecclesiastes 3:1   

Monday, September 8, 2014

Seasons Changing

Yesterday it was 82 degrees in Crosby, ND.  We soaked up the sun and enjoyed an evening walk.  Today started out gloomy, and eventually the sun came out, but the temperatures were much cooler.  By evening it was down to 50 degrees, which motivated me to "bring in the harvest".

There was one last handful of green beans, a small tub of beets, a pile of carrots, and four more cucumbers (plus an odd one with a crook in its neck which only grew half way!).  I debated on whether or not to pick the watermelons. 

Three of them were as big as or bigger than the largest one last year, so I figured they should be ready.  The other two were smaller, and I was hoping there would be a few more days for them to fill out.  In the end, I opted to pick the bigger ones, and cover the others just in case the frost warnings became a reality overnight.

In addition, the flowers in pots were moved into the garage.  They have provided so much enjoyment over the summer, but now their days of glory are past.  Still, I didn't have the heart to leave them out in the cold tonight.

While I worked in the garden, a familiar sound caused me to look up in time to see a small flock of geese making their way across the sky.  Soon they will make their way to warmer climate, avoiding the winter which will eventually follow the fall season.

Yes, seasons change.  The days are getting colder and the daylight hours shorter.  But for those of us who have lived here all of our lives, it comes as no surprise.  We're just hoping for a nice long fall before winter sets in!

"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
    wisdom and power are His.
 He changes times and seasons;
    He deposes kings and raises up others.
He gives wisdom to the wise
    and knowledge to the discerning.
 He reveals deep and hidden things;
    He knows what lies in darkness,
    and light dwells with Him"
~Daniel 2:20-22

Sunday, September 7, 2014

SUNDAY SONG: "Bless The Lord, Oh My Soul"

At our church we try to keep everyone happy, and alternate between older hymns and choruses and the more modern worship songs.  Today it was my husband and I leading the singing, and we chose two hymns and two choruses.

Tonight I end my day with a song in my heart, the same one we ended with in church this morning:


Bless the Lord, Oh my soul
And all that is within me
Bless His holy name
Bless the Lord, Oh my soul
And all that is within me
Bless His holy name

He has done great things
He has done great things
He has done great things
Bless His holy name

 (Song by Andrae Crouch)
(Words taken from Psalm 103:1)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "On the Road"

The day started early with a road trip to Williston.  Our eldest grandson, Jeremiah, was having his friends over for a birthday party at 10:30am, and this Grandma was asked to handle "Daniel Duty".  [This would consist of keeping track of the two year old!]

We were also invited to have supper with the family later in the evening, but I was agonizing the fact our local Dakota Star Quilters Guild was having their fall quilt show at Kulaas Park today.  Since it was a beautiful day, I really didn't want to miss it.  What to do?  Make two trips to and from Williston, of course!

As I headed down the highway this morning, I put in some relaxing instrumental praise music.  The fact it was Saturday had me wondering what lessons God would show me on this busy day, with so much time spent on the road.  It wasn't long before the lessons started popping into my brain:

1.  Look for beauty along your journey in life
2.  Watch for signs along the way & follow their direction.  You never know when God will put something (or someone) in your life as a way of giving you direction.
3.  Sometimes the road is smooth, and other times there are "bumps in the road".  God is with you all along the way.
4.  Each of us has a journey in life, with a unique purpose.  No two are the same.  Each one starts at birth and is programmed to end at heaven, but each one's path is different.  We may not all follow the same road, so don't question when another person's journey looks different than yours.  Simply concentrate on making heaven the end goal.
5.  It is best to go at the speed God establishes for your route.  Both going ahead of His timing, and lagging behind can bring about challenges.
6.  When God tells you to stop, stop.  When He asks you to go, go.
7.  Look out for the unexpected.  There are times others may not see you on your journey and cut in front of you.  Be prepared to allow for their interruption without showing anger.  You never know what circumstances in their life were distracting them at the time.
8.  Don't question the curves in the road, just follow them. 
9.  It may appear as if others are going the wrong direction in life.  Remember they always have the freedom to turn around.
10.  The work done by others ahead of me makes my journey smoother.

Jesus had some thoughts on the road of life.  In Matthew 7:13-14, He reminds us to enter through the narrow gate.  He then explains there are two kinds of roads and two kinds of gates.  The wide gate and broad road are the ones that lead to destruction, and many seem to take this route.  In contrast, it is the small gate and narrow road that lead to life, a path only few seem to find.

Today we helped Jeremiah reach "mile marker nine" of his journey, and couldn't be prouder of how he has handled his road in life thus far.

How about you?  What road do you find yourself traveling on today?  Do you see heaven at the end of your journey, or is there a need to do a turn around in your life?  Keep your heart and mind open, and watch for the signs along the way.  Remember there is always joy to be found in the journey when you're headed in the right direction!   

Friday, September 5, 2014

FRIDAY FRUIT: "The Joy of a Good and Faithful Tradition"

Tomorrow is my oldest grandson's ninth birthday.  It seems like just yesterday he was a baby.  Then again, it seems like just yesterday it was his mom who was the one picking out a theme for the birthday party, planning games and coming up with a cake for me to make to compliment it all.

When my daughter had her first birthday, a co-worker borrowed me a panda bear cake pan.  What I discovered was there is joy to be found in taking the time to bake and decorate a special cake for someone you love.  From then on, the tradition continued through the growing up years of both our daughter and son.  Now it is a new generation and my daughter has taken up the mantel as the "Master Cake Decorator".

This afternoon, as I visited with her on the phone, she expressed how much enjoyment she received from seeing the initial response of her children when they first saw their completed birthday cake.  Tomorrow I will not only get to see the cake, but eat it, too!

Just for the fun of it, I looked back in our photo albums and found the picture of our daughter's ninth birthday cake, which happened to be a snowman.  (Her birthday is in January, by the way!)  What fun to look back and reminisce, while also looking forward to a fun day tomorrow!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Like a Child

In Matthew 18:3, Jesus told His disciples they needed to change and become like little children or they would never enter the kingdom of heaven.  He went on to emphasize the importance of humbling yourself as a child to earn the rank of the greatest in this same kingdom.

Today I spent several hours with my two youngest grandchildren, Faith (age 4 1/2 - the 1/2 is very important to remember!) and Daniel (age 2).  Looking back on the day, here are a few of the characteristics I'm looking to emulate:

1.  They rely on their parents when looking for needs to be met.  In the same way, I need to rely on my Heavenly Father to meet my needs.

2.  They use their imaginations and think "outside the box", which I'm thinking God would want us to do rather than getting stuck in a rut, as is often the case among the "religious" sort.

3.  They love a good adventure and enjoy exploring new places and things.  God has placed so much in this wonderful world He created, with lots to marvel at.  Perhaps if we saw things with the eyes of a child, they would also see in a more "God-like" way!

4.  They are full of love and aren't afraid to express it.  How I enjoy hearing the excited voices calling out "Grandma!" as I come through the door.  This is a small picture of how God must feel when we joyfully express our praise and worship.

Of course, there are also times when you see a bit of "the flesh" coming out, like when the little guy took off running in the parking lot downtown today.  He thought he was pretty smart getting away from Grandma, but wasn't so happy when she caught up to him and gave him a scolding. 

At times like this, I can see a miniature picture of the way we sometimes act as "children of God". . .wanting to dash off on our own, disregarding the safety of staying close to our Heavenly Father.  Quite often we end up learning lessons the hard way, and have to deal with the consequences of our poor choices. 

One of my favorite parts of the day was rocking Daniel to sleep for his nap.  Snuggling into my lap, he cuddled close and listened as I sang a round of Sunday School choruses until he drifted to sleep.  How good it is to know I have a Heavenly Father who keeps me safe in His arms throughout my day and all through the night.  Please know there is room for you, too!

"The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath
are the everlasting arms."
~Deuteronomy 33:27

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Just Follow the Rules!

Tonight we began our Wednesday night outreach ministry to children at Crosby Assembly of God.  This is something we have done for over 25 years, and the kids just keep coming.  The headcount was somewhere around 40, which is about average for the first night.  Multiply the activity level and noise of one child by 40 and you'll get approximately what we deal with on a weekly basis.

There are times it gets overwhelming.  Many of the children aren't used to a church setting, and really don't understand how to control their energy.  This year, someone suggested we establish a few simple rules at the beginning to see if it would help with the "crowd control".

We came up with four rules:

1.  We respect God's House and there is no running in the church building
2.  Snacks are to be eaten in the classroom
3.  We cannot leave the church property without permission
4.  No hitting

The rules were explained during the opening time when everyone is gathered in the sanctuary.  Our pastor reinforced them several times, and for the time being, they did a pretty good job of obeying them.

Over the years, I've noticed something about children.  They like boundaries.  Of course, they will push as far as they can to see if these boundaries are established and enforced, and if not, they keep pushing.

So often I think of the fact life would be much easier if people would simply follow the rules.  But who sets the rules?  In my life, the boundaries are contained within the pages of God's Word, the Holy Bible. 

Take the Ten Commandments, for example.  They are a good set of rules.  Check out Exodus 20 if you need a refresher course.  Jesus made it even simpler, in Matthew 22:34-40, by reducing the number of commandments to two. 
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and 
with all your soul and with all your mind."
"Love your neighbor as yourself"
Actually, if you look closely at the ten, you will see the first four all fit under the category of loving the Lord, and the last six will be accomplished if you love your neighbor as yourself.  Pretty plain and simple. 

Now, how are you doing? 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Button, Button

This evening my son came to me with a request.  A button had been lost from one of his shirts, and he wondered if I could find one to replace it.  As I searched through my button box, I was amazed at how many buttons were just about the same, but none were an exact match.  In the end, I decided to take the top button and move it down, so all the visible buttons would be the same, replacing the top one with the closest replica I could find. 

As I was looking through the buttons, I was reminded of one of my earliest writings done in 2005, and decided to look it up.  Amazing the lessons one can get from a simple button or two!

08/20/05 Button, Button

As children we used to play a game called “Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button”. We would sit in a circle with one person in the middle. The children in the circle would pass a button between themselves, and the one in the middle would try to guess where the button ended up. To me, buttons were fascinating things. My mother had a box of buttons, with every size, shape and color imaginable. She taught me how to sew buttons onto a long strip of cloth and it would keep me occupied for hours.

Recently I have noticed a new trend in buttons. As I was shopping in my favorite women’s clothing store, I found the designers have been using buttons not only in the traditional way, but also as interesting decorations on the outfits. One blouse in particular caught my eye and I ended up purchasing it. It buttoned down the front with round buttons as a traditional blouse does. Then, all around the bottom hem, it was decorated with an assortment of buttons of all shapes and sizes. There were round, square, heart and flower-shaped buttons, some smooth and some textured.

God used this blouse to teach me a simple lesson in how to share His love with the world around me. The buttons down the front reminded me of the traditional ways God used to instruct me. He provided me with parents who brought me to church and Sunday School. I remember going to Vacation Bible School, Bible Camp and hearing lessons from a child’s devotion book. When I had my own children, this same book was read to them and recently Rebekah found it and asked to have it in her home to teach a new generation.

But what about the other buttons? What lesson did they teach me? God showed me sometimes His lessons come in nontraditional ways. He uses a team of children who give up their usual summer activities to travel and share God’s love through puppets, gymnastics and song. He uses websites on the Internet to bring daily lessons to millions around the world. He gives someone the insight to create a program for secular television to reach a lost and dying generation. (See Liveprayer.com) Just today I read in the Minot Daily newspaper about a group who has created a traveling Bible School to minister to communities in North Dakota and South Dakota

Each of these new ways of ministering has something in common. It requires a new way of approaching the Gospel and how it is shared. Just as the assortment of buttons decorates the bottom of my blouse, these new ways of sharing God’s Word and His love decorate our world with a fresh and exciting look at the things God has in store for His people.

When I think about all the buttons that have been a part of my life, I am thankful for the traditional ones. Buttons that secured blouses, pants, dresses and coats over the years. I’m also thankful for the fun buttons, the ones in my mother’s button box that provided me with entertainment in my youth. It required thinking “outside the box” on my mother’s part to come up with a simple way to teach me how to sew buttons (and at the same time keep me busy and out of her hair!)

In a greater way I am thankful for the many ways in which God has taught me about His love and forgiveness. I am thankful for the ways He has been using to challenge me to “think outside the box” of tradition and bring His lessons to the everyday world around me. Our greatest example is the life of Jesus. Take time this week to read from the Gospel lessons of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible, which outline the life and teachings of Jesus. Notice how often He met people where they were at, yet challenged them to “Go and sin no more” after their lives were changed because of their encounter with Him. And each time you see a button, remember how God is at work to hold our lives together!

Monday, September 1, 2014

A Lesson in the Wind

When we woke up in Medora last Saturday, a look out the window indicated a rather windy day.  Thankfully, there was an indoor pool to entertain us for a time, but eventually we ventured out for a walk around the quaint little town in southwest North Dakota.

On our way to the play park with the grandkids, we took time to watch the wind sculptures, which were spinning quite nicely in the breeze.  We all watched in amazement as each unique piece spun in a different way.  It was also special to remember they had been donated by the John Andrist family from my hometown of Crosby, ND.

Later, as my husband and I walked by a second time in search of a spot to have our picnic lunch, a subtle "God Message" seemed to settle in my heart as I watched them.  I found myself sharing aloud my thoughts.

"Seems to me they are a picture of how God's Holy Spirit is at work in the world.  We can't see the wind, nor can we see the Holy Spirit.  Yet in both cases what we do see is the effect they have on the objects (or people!) they come in contact with."

The force of the wind on the sculptures make them spin, twirl and offer a fascinating view for anyone taking the time to stop and take them in.  In the same way, the force of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives results in the evidence of what the Bible refers to as the "fruit of the Spirit":  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.  (See Galatians 5:22-23)

The Holy Spirit is also at work in lives, directing and drawing people to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, who is the only way to gain access to our Heavenly Father.  In John 14:6, Jesus replies to a question asked by one of His disciples, Thomas, indicating He is not only the way, but also the truth and life. 

Hopefully, some day, you will be able to feast your eyes on the wind sculptures in Medora, ND.  When you do, it is also my prayer you will be reminded of the Holy Spirit at work in our world. . .never seen directly, but always gently making an impact on lives, causing them to become all they were designed to be.