Thursday, September 18, 2014

Always a Plan B

On my list of favorite days, today is not ranking very high.  It began with me thinking I would be riding along with my hubby to Williston, as he had a meeting to attend.  It seemed to be the perfect opportunity to see the grandkids and enjoy a relaxing afternoon.

The first indication of things not going as planned was finding out a meeting here in Crosby had materialized which was deemed more important.  Thus, no trip to Williston was necessary unless I went by myself, which seemed like a good idea.  Since my daughter had told me she had a lunch date, I would wait until afternoon to depart.

Then came the phone call from a friend who needed a favor in exchange for a lunch date.  This could still work, I reasoned, continuing to look forward to a "Grandma Fix".  But as time marched on, and other demands at home called my name, I eventually decided another day might work better.

On to "Plan B" which was to see what might help with the skunk odor next door.  Thinking perhaps the curtains had absorbed some of the smell, I took them down and brought them to our house to wash, only to discover there was no skunk smell on them.  Perhaps instead of washing them, they could be aired out on the clothesline.

Next on my line of attack was to use a product recommended by a Home Depot employee.  It could be sprayed in the air, used as a cleaning agent or even added to laundry.  After using it, I reported to our renter, only to find out she is allergic to eucalyptus, which was the fragrance base of the product.  Off to the store I went to see about something to clean up the cleaner!

Other suggestions we had followed included setting out bowls of vinegar and piles of charcoal.  Windows have been open and fans running.  An air purifier is being used, as well as a small fan with an "Essential Oil" product called "Purify".  A professional cleaner from a neighboring town stopped by on his way to another job to assess the situation and will be back next week to do what he can.

To say the whole situation has been frustrating is an understatement.  As my irritation level kept rising, my mind kept coming back to my great grandmother's advice at the age of 100:

Keep Calm
Take Everything as it Comes
Work Hard
Stay Close to God

It sounds so simple, and I'm trying.  But there are times it seems so challenging.  Today has been one of those times.  When my mind is troubled, I find myself reading through the Psalms.  How comforting to find these words to end my day:
God is our refuge and strength,
An ever present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1

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