Friday, September 19, 2014


Today was basically divided into two distinct parts.  The first involved multiple loads of laundry from the "skunked house" next door, as well as a fair amount of energy spent cleaning.  What a blessing it was to enjoy a beautiful, sun-filled day with just the right amount of breeze to quickly dry things on the clothesline.

A good deal of the furniture was removed from the rental house and placed in our garage, under the assumption it would need a cleaning.  What we discovered, however, was the fact the odor had not gotten into any of it.  For this, we praise the Lord!

To freshen things up within the house, floors and woodwork were washed, and I even brought a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough over to bake in the oven, hoping the aroma would sink in.  I can't say the skunk smell is 100% gone, but it is certainly much better.

To accomplish this half of the day, a great deal of patience was required as I waited on the washing machine to go through cycle after cycle.  I suppose I could claim kindness and goodness were at work in tackling all of this, but it was perhaps a bit more of faithfulness to my role as landlord which kept me going.  It also required some self-control to keep from giving up on it all!

As evening approached, I was reminded it was our local high school football team's homecoming game tonight, and we moved on to part two of the day.  It was a beautiful night, with one battle happening between two sets of football players on the field and the other taking place on the sidelines between the spectators and a swarm of mosquitos. 

The Divide County Maroons had a big victory, and we enjoyed honoring many from the championship team from1964 who were recognized during half time.  It was interesting to realize a good portion of the team still resides in the Divide County area.

Following the game, we attended the Coronation Ceremony in the high school auditorium.  It brought joy to my heart to see the king's crown end up on the head of a fine, young senior who attends our church.  The queen also was one who has been a part of our Wednesday night outreach over the years.

As we waited for the ceremony to begin, I couldn't help but think back to Homecomings in years gone by.  Our daughter was one of the queen candidates 18 years ago, and our son was crowned king three years later in 1999. 

Going back 41 years, it was my classmates who were up on the stage.  How I love the precious memories!

Yes, it was a mixed bag of fruit today, and I am so thankful for the evidence of each one in my life, all because of God's sweet Holy Spirit at work. 

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