Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "On the Road"

The day started early with a road trip to Williston.  Our eldest grandson, Jeremiah, was having his friends over for a birthday party at 10:30am, and this Grandma was asked to handle "Daniel Duty".  [This would consist of keeping track of the two year old!]

We were also invited to have supper with the family later in the evening, but I was agonizing the fact our local Dakota Star Quilters Guild was having their fall quilt show at Kulaas Park today.  Since it was a beautiful day, I really didn't want to miss it.  What to do?  Make two trips to and from Williston, of course!

As I headed down the highway this morning, I put in some relaxing instrumental praise music.  The fact it was Saturday had me wondering what lessons God would show me on this busy day, with so much time spent on the road.  It wasn't long before the lessons started popping into my brain:

1.  Look for beauty along your journey in life
2.  Watch for signs along the way & follow their direction.  You never know when God will put something (or someone) in your life as a way of giving you direction.
3.  Sometimes the road is smooth, and other times there are "bumps in the road".  God is with you all along the way.
4.  Each of us has a journey in life, with a unique purpose.  No two are the same.  Each one starts at birth and is programmed to end at heaven, but each one's path is different.  We may not all follow the same road, so don't question when another person's journey looks different than yours.  Simply concentrate on making heaven the end goal.
5.  It is best to go at the speed God establishes for your route.  Both going ahead of His timing, and lagging behind can bring about challenges.
6.  When God tells you to stop, stop.  When He asks you to go, go.
7.  Look out for the unexpected.  There are times others may not see you on your journey and cut in front of you.  Be prepared to allow for their interruption without showing anger.  You never know what circumstances in their life were distracting them at the time.
8.  Don't question the curves in the road, just follow them. 
9.  It may appear as if others are going the wrong direction in life.  Remember they always have the freedom to turn around.
10.  The work done by others ahead of me makes my journey smoother.

Jesus had some thoughts on the road of life.  In Matthew 7:13-14, He reminds us to enter through the narrow gate.  He then explains there are two kinds of roads and two kinds of gates.  The wide gate and broad road are the ones that lead to destruction, and many seem to take this route.  In contrast, it is the small gate and narrow road that lead to life, a path only few seem to find.

Today we helped Jeremiah reach "mile marker nine" of his journey, and couldn't be prouder of how he has handled his road in life thus far.

How about you?  What road do you find yourself traveling on today?  Do you see heaven at the end of your journey, or is there a need to do a turn around in your life?  Keep your heart and mind open, and watch for the signs along the way.  Remember there is always joy to be found in the journey when you're headed in the right direction!   

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