Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Home Again, Home Again

It has been an eventful few days in our life.  For five days we have been traveling, visiting family and friends, attending wedding festivities, taking part in an NFL football game (not me, just the guys!) seeing more friends and family and ending up safely back home.  Travel is something I dearly love, but I'm always thankful when the road brings us back to Crosby, ND.

An extra challenge thrown into it all was the fact a skunk was found and shot in the basement of our rental house, which is next door to our home.  This all took place the morning of the day we were to leave.  We felt horrible for our renter, but also couldn't change our plans.  After returning home, efforts have been made to begin the clean-up process.

Why is it sometimes God throws "stinky stuff" into our life's story?  It is a question I have been asking myself since the whole issue of the skunk materialized.  We were thrilled with our new renter, a sixth grade school teacher who actually had a connection to the house prior to moving in.  Her great aunt was the original owner of the cute, little one bedroom house at the time our house was built next door. 

As is often the case when I travel, a book was selected to read along the way.  Grabbing a couple of books to consider, the one which finally captured my attention was "Choosing to SEE" by Mary Beth Chapman (with Ellen Vaughn). 

The book tells the story of Mary Beth and her husband, Steven Curtis Chapman.  Steven is a popular contemporary Christian songwriter and singer, many of whose songs I have enjoyed over the years.  Reading the story of their lives, which included having three biological children and the adoption of three little girls from China, kept me captivated much of the ride.

As the story unfolded, I knew what was coming, remembering the events as they were shared over the news back in 2008.  One of the teenage sons was coming into the driveway of the Chapman home and didn't see his little sister running to ask him to lift her on the monkey bars.  A tragic accident ended the little girl's life and left the family with the unanswered question of "Why?"

As I read the final chapters of the book, I saw a theme unfolding which can be applied to all the "stinky situations" which arise in our lives.  Sometimes things happen which simply don't make sense, and no amount of searching will reveal the answers to our questions.  Instead, we must choose to see with eyes of faith to a place beyond this world where God will put everything back into proper order. 

Doing so requires a lot of trust, and a great deal of faith.  It is interesting how faith is defined in the Bible as "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see".  (Hebrews 11:1)  Things may not always pan out the way you think they should in this life, but be assured God has a much bigger plan for eternity and a purpose behind every "bump in the road" He brings you to. 

And remember, what He brings you to, He will always bring you through! 

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