Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Button, Button

This evening my son came to me with a request.  A button had been lost from one of his shirts, and he wondered if I could find one to replace it.  As I searched through my button box, I was amazed at how many buttons were just about the same, but none were an exact match.  In the end, I decided to take the top button and move it down, so all the visible buttons would be the same, replacing the top one with the closest replica I could find. 

As I was looking through the buttons, I was reminded of one of my earliest writings done in 2005, and decided to look it up.  Amazing the lessons one can get from a simple button or two!

08/20/05 Button, Button

As children we used to play a game called “Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button”. We would sit in a circle with one person in the middle. The children in the circle would pass a button between themselves, and the one in the middle would try to guess where the button ended up. To me, buttons were fascinating things. My mother had a box of buttons, with every size, shape and color imaginable. She taught me how to sew buttons onto a long strip of cloth and it would keep me occupied for hours.

Recently I have noticed a new trend in buttons. As I was shopping in my favorite women’s clothing store, I found the designers have been using buttons not only in the traditional way, but also as interesting decorations on the outfits. One blouse in particular caught my eye and I ended up purchasing it. It buttoned down the front with round buttons as a traditional blouse does. Then, all around the bottom hem, it was decorated with an assortment of buttons of all shapes and sizes. There were round, square, heart and flower-shaped buttons, some smooth and some textured.

God used this blouse to teach me a simple lesson in how to share His love with the world around me. The buttons down the front reminded me of the traditional ways God used to instruct me. He provided me with parents who brought me to church and Sunday School. I remember going to Vacation Bible School, Bible Camp and hearing lessons from a child’s devotion book. When I had my own children, this same book was read to them and recently Rebekah found it and asked to have it in her home to teach a new generation.

But what about the other buttons? What lesson did they teach me? God showed me sometimes His lessons come in nontraditional ways. He uses a team of children who give up their usual summer activities to travel and share God’s love through puppets, gymnastics and song. He uses websites on the Internet to bring daily lessons to millions around the world. He gives someone the insight to create a program for secular television to reach a lost and dying generation. (See Liveprayer.com) Just today I read in the Minot Daily newspaper about a group who has created a traveling Bible School to minister to communities in North Dakota and South Dakota

Each of these new ways of ministering has something in common. It requires a new way of approaching the Gospel and how it is shared. Just as the assortment of buttons decorates the bottom of my blouse, these new ways of sharing God’s Word and His love decorate our world with a fresh and exciting look at the things God has in store for His people.

When I think about all the buttons that have been a part of my life, I am thankful for the traditional ones. Buttons that secured blouses, pants, dresses and coats over the years. I’m also thankful for the fun buttons, the ones in my mother’s button box that provided me with entertainment in my youth. It required thinking “outside the box” on my mother’s part to come up with a simple way to teach me how to sew buttons (and at the same time keep me busy and out of her hair!)

In a greater way I am thankful for the many ways in which God has taught me about His love and forgiveness. I am thankful for the ways He has been using to challenge me to “think outside the box” of tradition and bring His lessons to the everyday world around me. Our greatest example is the life of Jesus. Take time this week to read from the Gospel lessons of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible, which outline the life and teachings of Jesus. Notice how often He met people where they were at, yet challenged them to “Go and sin no more” after their lives were changed because of their encounter with Him. And each time you see a button, remember how God is at work to hold our lives together!

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