Tuesday, September 23, 2014

One Day at a Time

Today was a challenging day to get through.  It started out with the usual Tuesday morning yoga class, which was helpful in relaxing me going into the day.  But the next item on the agenda was attending the funeral of a classmate's mother.  Seeing him go through his loss brought back memories from over twenty years ago when my mother passed away.  It didn't help when our parking spot at the cemetery ended up being directly in front of my parent's graves.

It was also hard for me to watch his father who was now separated from the woman who had been at his side since the time they were high school sweethearts back in the mid-forties.  At times like this, we simply cling to precious memories and our faith which gives us hope for the day we will once again be reunited with our loved ones.

Since it is Tuesday, my commitment of singing with the "Music Makers" at the nursing home was on the agenda for the afternoon.  As I prepared to go, I found myself getting tears in my eyes as the emotions from earlier in the day welled up within me.  I thought about the songs to be sung, and wondered how I would get through them.  Songs such as "Precious Memories" and "In the Sweet By and By" would only feed on the emotions. . .or so I thought.

Arriving at the nursing home, we were greeted by the residents, all so happy to have us come and once again brighten their day.  As I began singing, the emotions were replaced by a sense of peace, which had to come directly from the Holy Spirit.  The messages meant to minister to the residents, became just what I needed to get through the afternoon.  A song which especially resonated with me was "One Day at a Time".

After a quick supper, it was off to Northwest Chorus rehearsal.  I had squeezed in quick visits with my 90 year old friend and also with my dear aunt and godmother.  What a blessing to arrive home and find the dishes done.  My husband's love language is "acts of service" and he always seems to know when pitching in would be especially appreciated.

Yes, it has been another busy day in my life.  And now as I retire, I find comfort in the words of David in Psalm 62:5-7. . .
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.

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