Thursday, September 4, 2014

Like a Child

In Matthew 18:3, Jesus told His disciples they needed to change and become like little children or they would never enter the kingdom of heaven.  He went on to emphasize the importance of humbling yourself as a child to earn the rank of the greatest in this same kingdom.

Today I spent several hours with my two youngest grandchildren, Faith (age 4 1/2 - the 1/2 is very important to remember!) and Daniel (age 2).  Looking back on the day, here are a few of the characteristics I'm looking to emulate:

1.  They rely on their parents when looking for needs to be met.  In the same way, I need to rely on my Heavenly Father to meet my needs.

2.  They use their imaginations and think "outside the box", which I'm thinking God would want us to do rather than getting stuck in a rut, as is often the case among the "religious" sort.

3.  They love a good adventure and enjoy exploring new places and things.  God has placed so much in this wonderful world He created, with lots to marvel at.  Perhaps if we saw things with the eyes of a child, they would also see in a more "God-like" way!

4.  They are full of love and aren't afraid to express it.  How I enjoy hearing the excited voices calling out "Grandma!" as I come through the door.  This is a small picture of how God must feel when we joyfully express our praise and worship.

Of course, there are also times when you see a bit of "the flesh" coming out, like when the little guy took off running in the parking lot downtown today.  He thought he was pretty smart getting away from Grandma, but wasn't so happy when she caught up to him and gave him a scolding. 

At times like this, I can see a miniature picture of the way we sometimes act as "children of God". . .wanting to dash off on our own, disregarding the safety of staying close to our Heavenly Father.  Quite often we end up learning lessons the hard way, and have to deal with the consequences of our poor choices. 

One of my favorite parts of the day was rocking Daniel to sleep for his nap.  Snuggling into my lap, he cuddled close and listened as I sang a round of Sunday School choruses until he drifted to sleep.  How good it is to know I have a Heavenly Father who keeps me safe in His arms throughout my day and all through the night.  Please know there is room for you, too!

"The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath
are the everlasting arms."
~Deuteronomy 33:27

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