Monday, September 15, 2014

To the Young Men in the Hot Tub

My post tonight is directed to a couple of men who were conversing in the hot tub while I ended my day doing water aerobics in the motel pool.

Your question to me was an interesting one, but also one which, thankfully, I never had to consider.  It seems your concern over whether or not a man should ask for a prenuptial agreement was not even something which would have crossed my man 's mind some 38+ years ago.

Tonight I am grateful to have grown up in a time and place where divorce was the exception and not the rule.  I'm thankful for parents who modeled before me a marriage of commitment through good times and bad, and "until death do us part".  I'm thankful for my husband who had stayed with me through all the ups and downs of our marriage.

Praying both of you, as young men, will come to know not only the true love for a woman which never would require a prenuptial agreement, but also the love of a Savior who modeled what true love should look like. . .

"Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church 
and gave Himself up for her."
-Ephesians 5:25

Yes, it never was a matter of "what's in this for me", but rather an example of "what I'm willing to give up for you".

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