Wednesday, September 24, 2014

As Simple as ABC

Because of the unique way in which God shaped and formed my personality, there has been a diagnosis of "bipolar disorder" given to me.  It first manifested itself in my life over thirty years ago after the birth of our second child. 

Personally, I've never like the "disorder" part of my diagnosis.  From all I know about my Creator, He does not do disorder.  Therefore, I prefer to simply refer to it as "bipolar".  To a certain extent, we are all bipolar creatures.  No one lives their life perfectly "on the level" at all times.  Some of us, however, do have more of an issue with the extent of our ups and downs.

Over time, we have learned more about what causes the mood swings, and what can be done in a preventative way to avoid them.  At one point I developed an ABC list to remind myself of these things.  The list begins as follows:

A - Admit you have the illness
B - Believe God is in control
C - Communicate with your family

The older I get, the more I also realize this ABC list can be modified to fit life in general, and not just bipolar circumstances.  Today, as I continued to deal with the "skunk situation" in our rental house, God brought these ABC's to mind, with a slight modification.

A - Accept the situation
B - Believe God is in control
C - Communicate

Until this evening, we had been unable to connect with our renter other than through a few emails.  We weren't even sure where she was staying and lots of speculating had been done about what her expectations were.

Tonight, however, we were able to sit down together in our living room and "clear the air".  We outlined the steps we were taking to improve the smell, and she shared her desire to wait a few more weeks to see whether she would eventually be able to move back in.  

Hopefully, we will all be able to sleep better tonight, not because the situation has changed, but because we have communicated face to face and tried to better understand each other's circumstances. 

"An anxious heart weighs a man down,
but a kind word cheers him up."
~Proverbs 12:25 
Thankful tonight for kind words shared, anxiousness removed and our God who is indeed in control!
[If you are interested in learning about the D through Z of my list, feel free in contact me at]


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