Tuesday, September 30, 2014

25 Hour Triumph

Over the course of the last day, my diet has been an interesting one.  Because of a treatment I was given to help my body absorb B Vitamins better, I was instructed not to eat anything with B Vitamins over the next 25 hours.  I then received a sheet documenting exactly what this meant.

On the "Do not eat" side of the equation were whole grain products, fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products.  After reading this list, I had to wonder what was left to make up the list of things I could eat!  As the doctor had cautioned ahead of time, the list was pretty slim:  cooked white rice, cooked white pasta, cauliflower, well cooked or deep fried fish, salt, black coffee, French fries and purified water.

Since we were in Bismarck, my noon meal yesterday was a large order of McDonald French fries.  After reading once how their fries were made, I have eaten less of them, although they are still my all time favorite fries.  Eating them always brings back memories of my first semester of college, when my friend and I frequented McDonald's, mainly for the French fries.

By the time evening meal rolled around, we were back in Crosby, so I cooked up a big pot of white rice.  Not very exciting, but it did fill my stomach enough to make it through the night.  Another bowl of rice in the morning was far less than I usually eat for breakfast.  It was then God brought to mind the fact there are many around the world whose diet consists only of rice, perhaps only once a day.  Yes, there was no reason to complain.  We are way over blessed in the United States, and my skimpy diet would only last a few more hours.

By one o'clock my 25 hours were up, and I scoured the refrigerator to find something to fill my belly.  Carrot sticks, broccoli, and a leftover hamburger patty were more than enough to satisfy, and once again I found myself counting my blessings.

Now, as I type, a rich aroma is coming from the kitchen where Rice Krispie Chicken Breasts and baked potatoes soon will be ready to serve for our evening meal.  Sometimes I wonder how it is we were the ones to be given such blessings.  Then I remember God's command to the rich. . .to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.  (1 Timothy 6:18)  Something tells me we are behind on our obligations. 

But what can one person do to help?  Even if you can sacrifice a few dollars a month to an organization designed to help those in underprivileged countries, you can make a difference.  Better yet, make an effort to someday take a missions trip.  They say it's something we should all have on our bucket lists.

If you were to choose a place to go, where would it be?

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