Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday Songs - The Old & The New

This Sunday our pastor asked my husband and I to come up with three songs for the service, as he had a video he first wanted to share with the congregation.  What a blessing it was to witness a group of Marines gathered in a chapel service singing their rendition of the modern day song, "These Are the Days of Elijah".  If you would like to witness this experience, you can access the video here:

It was a tough act to follow, but we had lined up two old favorite hymns, "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" and "Great is Thy Faithfulness", followed by the more recent arrangement of a familiar hymn, "Amazing Grace - My Chains Are Gone".

Somehow, the messages all fit together to form a message we can't ignore.  We can always lean on the strong arms of Jesus to carry us through whatever comes our way.  Because of this, we are reminded of His great faithfulness to us.  We cherish the amazing grace God bestows on us, and because of it we are ready to become modern day Elijah's, declaring His Word to the world around us.

Yes, there is hope for our world! 

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