Friday, September 26, 2014

Friendship Joy

We have a dear friend from our past who now resides in an assisted living complex in Minot.  With no set plans for lunch today, it seemed a good idea to give her a call and propose a lunch date.  She was available, and we set the time and place.

What a joy to receive her welcoming hug as we arrived at the restaurant!  Our time together was spent catching up, reminiscing and sharing lots of smiles and laughter.  Later, after my husband was off to his meetings and we could chat further, we noted how sad it was people no longer take the time to visit among friends and between homes as we used to.

Though our time together was not lengthy, it was such a blessing.  As Paul thanked his friends in the city of Corinth, so do I give thanks tonight for friends who have made an impact on my life!

"I always thank my God for you because of His grace given you in Christ Jesus."  -1 Corinthians 1:4

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