Monday, September 8, 2014

Seasons Changing

Yesterday it was 82 degrees in Crosby, ND.  We soaked up the sun and enjoyed an evening walk.  Today started out gloomy, and eventually the sun came out, but the temperatures were much cooler.  By evening it was down to 50 degrees, which motivated me to "bring in the harvest".

There was one last handful of green beans, a small tub of beets, a pile of carrots, and four more cucumbers (plus an odd one with a crook in its neck which only grew half way!).  I debated on whether or not to pick the watermelons. 

Three of them were as big as or bigger than the largest one last year, so I figured they should be ready.  The other two were smaller, and I was hoping there would be a few more days for them to fill out.  In the end, I opted to pick the bigger ones, and cover the others just in case the frost warnings became a reality overnight.

In addition, the flowers in pots were moved into the garage.  They have provided so much enjoyment over the summer, but now their days of glory are past.  Still, I didn't have the heart to leave them out in the cold tonight.

While I worked in the garden, a familiar sound caused me to look up in time to see a small flock of geese making their way across the sky.  Soon they will make their way to warmer climate, avoiding the winter which will eventually follow the fall season.

Yes, seasons change.  The days are getting colder and the daylight hours shorter.  But for those of us who have lived here all of our lives, it comes as no surprise.  We're just hoping for a nice long fall before winter sets in!

"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
    wisdom and power are His.
 He changes times and seasons;
    He deposes kings and raises up others.
He gives wisdom to the wise
    and knowledge to the discerning.
 He reveals deep and hidden things;
    He knows what lies in darkness,
    and light dwells with Him"
~Daniel 2:20-22

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