Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Time to Meet Up"

Another League of Cities Convention has come to an end in the lives of Crosby's Mayor Bert and his Lady Di.  For Bert it was a time of attending meetings and rubbing shoulders with other city officials from around the state.  For me, it was either time alone in a hotel room or wandering among the masses at the Dakota Square shopping mall.

You would think it would be exciting to have an opportunity to "shop until you drop", but the truth is, malls overwhelm me.  There is such an overabundance of stuff, and much of it is non-essential items. I find myself doing more people watching than shopping. . .so many faces, most of them in a hurry, and not very many smiles.  I try to share some of mine, hoping to get a response.

In this particular mall, there is an area we call "the clock" which features a large clock viewable from all directions and a circular area of seating.  It is always amusing to take note of the many men sitting around waiting for their spouses to return from their shopping.

In a bigger arena Jesus Christ is waiting for a special time to arrive when He will meet up with His "Bride", the church.  According to Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32, the Father is the only one who knows when this special time will come.  Much like the men waiting by the clock, Jesus has completed His part of the arrangement and is just waiting.  Christians are often like those still shopping, scurrying around here and there checking things off their lists.

Since we do not know the hour or even the day of Christ's return, it is best to simply be prepared.  This is accomplished by establishing a relationship with Jesus, who is the way, truth and life.  Only those who are known by our Risen Savior will be given access to eternal life.

For God so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16

The time on the clock is ticking away. . .are you ready should the Father say, "It's time!"?

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