Tuesday, September 9, 2014

All in God's Time

This morning, as I checked my Facebook notifications, there was a reference back to a posting of three years ago.  Apparently, the conversation on our "If You Grew Up in or Near Crosby, ND" group page at the time had been about the various cafes which had once graced Main Street.  Mention was made of one in "The Nifty Shoppe" building.

This prompted my comment which was as follows:

"Speaking of the Nifty Building. . .if money were no object, what would your vision be for the building now?  It currently is sitting there gutted out and could use some attention!  Someone from MN bought it last fall and was going to renovate it, and started putting a new roof on it.  Alas, a storm blew the new roof off and a row or so of bricks along the top;. Would love to see this building restored!  What do you think??"

The next comment on the thread expressed hopes for a restoration.  The person expounded with the following thoughts:

"That is such a neat building it would be a shame for it to just totally deteriorate.  It seems like it could be turned into some lovely apartments."

This all took place in August of 2011.  Over the course of the next year, another company stepped forward and took on the renovation project.  The result was not only the availability of four new apartments for rent, but also the preservation of a landmark building in our community.

The thought which came to mind was how often God's timing and mine are not in alignment.  I question why it is God sometimes gives me the vision for something which will not be accomplished until years down the road.  There are even times I find myself shaking my finger at God and asking Him to please not give me ideas if it is not the time for someone to move forward with the plan.

And then I am guessing He just chuckles at me and reminds me there are lessons in patience He has to teach. . .and trust.

"To everything there is a season, 
and a time for every purpose under heaven."
~Ecclesiastes 3:1   

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