Friday, October 31, 2014

To Treat or Not to Treat

Every year the debate returns as to whether or not a Christian should participate in Halloween.  Personally, I grew up with the tradition of trick or treating.  We lived on a farm, and usually drove around to the neighboring farms to collect our share of the treats.  Only once do I remember one of the housewives asking for a trick to earn the treat.  The last stop was always Grandma's house!

When my husband and I had children, we continued the tradition.  For our daughter's first Halloween I even made her a cute little bunny costume, which was recycled into a boy bunny when our son reached the appropriate size. 

As our kids got older, it was fun to involve them in deciding on a costume and then working to create it without too much expense.  It was their dad who insisted they make the most of the evening come Halloween, as he transported them around our community to get treats he would naturally get to share.   Visiting the grandparent's homes was usually incorporated into the course of the evening.

Our daughter is now married and has four children of her own.  Although their last stop was not this grandma's house (70 miles was too long a drive!) it was fun to see the pictures of their adventures tonight.  Big smiles were a big part of the pictures!

I really don't have a problem with opening my home to whoever stops by for a treat, and enjoy taking pictures of the kids.  This year we had a total of 29 trick or treaters, which is a pretty good number for us.  Most were either relatives or kids we know from our Wednesday night outreach, but it was also fun to meet some new people in town who were trusting enough to venture out.

My daughter took time tonight to share her thoughts on Halloween in her blog, and I must say I will support her 100% in her views:

"I am so sick and tired of the debate (mostly via facebook) over whether or not Christians should participate in Halloween activities.  Just sick of it. 

So here is my two cents... 

Our family loves to dress up in silly costumes.  Our family loves to visit people who are special to us.  Our family loves having fun with friends.  Our family loves being outside and going for walks together.  Our family loves staying up late at night together.  Our family loves eating candy. 

Tonight we are going to be doing all of these things all at once and it happens to be October 31.

I am totally ok with that."

Somehow, I think God enjoys all the joy He sees running around on October 31st!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

Thirty three years ago I went to work at Farmers State Bank in the morning much like I did every day back then.  It was a Friday, and I was excited about the fact it was my last day of work prior to the arrival of our second child.  The due date was yet two weeks away, and I was looking forward to having some time at home with our almost 3 year old daughter prior to the baby's arrival.

The day seemed extra long, and my back was uncomfortable, which wasn't unusual for someone nine months pregnant.  My husband decided we should go out for supper so I wouldn't have to cook.  After ordering, I started to notice a pattern to the "back pains" and we decided to call Grandma when we got home, just in case we needed to go to the hospital during the night.

As it turned out, she arrived from the farm, we headed to the hospital and the baby arrived about a half hour later!  We were excited to welcome a chubby checked son into our family.  I remember thinking his checks were so round they pushed his eyes up into almost a squint.  Grandma and big sister came for a quick visit before going to bed, and the story of Ryan James began unfolding. 

Many chapters have already been written in Ryan's book of life.  Only God knows how many are yet to be completed.  I'm thankful for Psalm 139:16 which tells me all the days planned for him were written in God's book before even one of them came to be.

The most current chapter of his life has been spent here in Crosby, ND as he works faithfully for his dad at Bert's Woodworks.  There isn't much change in his routine, except when he allows himself an occasional road trip now and then to visit friends. 

For now, this is his life and Acts 17:26-28 assures me it is the exact place he is supposed to be at this point in time.  These verses are also a reminder of what we all should be doing with our lives. . .seeking God.  As we seek, God assures us we will find Him, as He is never far away from any of us.

Happy Birthday, Ryan!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Shine On!

"Jesus loves the little children,
all the children of the world"
It was a little chorus we sang in Sunday School remind us of the fact children were very important to Jesus.  Reading through the Gospel accounts, you will also find it is something we see verified in God's Word repeatedly.  Matthew, Mark and Luke all recorded the story of Jesus spending time with children and when His disciples tried to send them away, Jesus reminded them of an important fact:
"Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
You can find the full record of these encounters with children in Matthew 19:13-15, Mark 10:13-16 and Luke 18:15-17.
Tonight we opened up the doors of Crosby Assembly of God to the children of our community and their families for our annual Fall Fun Night.  It is something we have been doing since 1996 and it is fun to see young mothers bringing their little ones who at one time attended as children themselves. 
Yes, children were important to Jesus, and they are important to us, too.  Not only did we have an evening of fun and games, but we also took time to tell them about Jesus being the light in a darkened world.  Our pastor used carved pumpkins to illustrate how being a Christian is much like a pumpkin at Halloween. 
God picks us up out of the world, and washes us clean.  When we open our lives to Him, He removes all the "yucky stuff", things such as seeds of fear, doubt, hate and greed.
Then He carves us a new smiling face and puts His light inside to shine for all the world to see.
It was indeed a fun night.  Smiles were everywhere and the love of God was present.  Lots of little lives were touched, and perhaps a few big ones, too.  And the light of Jesus shines on!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Just Keep Going!

An article in the Sunday paper, published in a city two hours from where we live, featured a man who lives in our community.  Approaching the age of 90, he still goes to work every day at our local tire and body shop.  It is amazing to think he has been doing so since the 1940's, when he started the business with a partner after returning home from World War II.

Why is it he keeps on going, even long after the standard retirement age?  He was quoted as saying, "I still enjoy working".  You have to admire him for his faithfulness and dedication to a business he actually sold to his son back in 1996.

Paging through the paper, I happened upon the obituary page and scanned the listings.  There were ten deaths recorded, and six were between the ages of 90 and 98 when they passed away.  It made me think of the large number of residents we have in Crosby who are in their late 80's and 90's.  I also know of three who have surpassed the century mark.

What is it about these people which give them such longevity?  Of course, for starters, it is God who has set all the days planned for each of us. (See Psalm 139).  Still, there are some common elements in the lifestyles of those who tend to live long lives.

Like the man featured in the news article, most are committed to working hard.  They don't seem content to "just grow old" but keep on with their passions in life.  My 92 year old aunt comes to mind, and I picture her working in her yard, faithfully tending her flowers, even when her back is hurting.

Another common characteristic is having a concern for others.  Instead of focusing on "what's in this for me", they look for ways in which they can be of service to those who enter their sphere of influence.  They also have the ability to stay calm in the midst of turmoil and manage to take things as they come.

Lastly, a common element is a devotion to God.  Perhaps it was growing up during the Great Depression which cemented in their lives a need to depend on a power greater than themselves.

How wonderful it would be if those from younger generations would learn to follow their example!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Flowers. . .For Me!

 Max Lucado once penned a phrase which is often seen on greeting cards.  It says, "If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.  If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.  He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning".  It definitely isn't spring, with leaves falling off the trees and temperatures getting colder, but I do believe God had something to do with the flowers I found today.

It was my turn to host the monthly Women's Ministries meeting, and I thought it would be nice to find a small bouquet for the table.  Checking first at our floral shop, I didn't see anything I felt would be suitable in their cooler.  I also checked a couple of other stores for the possibility of an artificial arrangement, to no avail.

My last stop before heading home was the grocery store to pick up some juice for the hot cranberry punch I planned to serve.  As I walked in the front door, there it was. . .a beautiful bouquet of fall colored flowers.  The owner saw me eye them and told me I best take them, as it was the last bunch they had.  Taking them home, I found a vase and pretty soon my table was complete.

Was it just a coincidence?  Or did God somehow arrange to have the flowers available when I least expected them?  Think what you may, I still considerate appropriate to say, "Thank You, Lord!" as I see them brightening up my dining room table!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Song - "Blessed to be a Blessing"

This afternoon our community hosted a farewell tribute to a wonderful man, John Andrist.  Born and raised in Crosby, ND he has lived here now for more than 80 years.  He followed in his father's footsteps as the editor of our local newspaper, and passed the reigns to his own son.  The business has now been sold, but he still faithfully writes his "John-A-Dreams" column. 

Seeing the crowded room was evidence of how many people love and admire this man.  The list of people offering tributes was a long one, and it was interesting to hear the many ways in which John has touched lives.

Near the end of the program, a tally was given of the donations John has made over the years to benefit projects in our community and state.  I forget the exact total, but know it was greater than a million and a half dollars.  His generosity has been amazing and he remains a very humble man.  To me, this is very admirable.

In John's closing remarks, he challenged each of us to do what we can with our money and time to make someone else's life better.  He claims his giving is a selfish thing, as he loves the joy he receives when doing it.  He also remarks no matter how much he gives away, he always manages to end up with more.  I do believe there is a Biblical principle at work, which is outlined in the following passage:

"Give, and it will be given to you.
A good measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running over,
will be poured into your lap.
For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
~Luke 6:38
When thinking about John, the chorus of a song comes to mind.  Attributed to  Scott Wesley Brown, Claire Cloninger, Niles Borop, and Dwight Liles, the song was copyrighted in 1988 and is entitled "Blessed to Be a Blessing".  Although the words of the verses are directed to our country as a nation, the chorus seems to describe John's attitude very effectively. 
"We've been blessed to be a blessing
We've been loved to give His love
Made mighty so we can fulfill His call
We've been blessed to be a blessing
With enough to give enough
For the greatest in His kingdom
Is the servant of us all"
What a blessing it has been in my life to know and love this man, who also provided me with a dear friend when the third of his five children was born.  He has been a mentor for my husband in his political aspirations, and something tells me he will remain an important part of our lives even after he makes his move to the other side of the state.
There is a passage of Scripture which often comes to mind when I think of those who have been blessed with riches.  Bear in mind as you read it how much more even the poorest of us in America have over those in impoverished nations:

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."
~1 Timothy 6:17-19
Thank you, John, for providing us with a model of obedience to these commands.  May many seek to follow your example!
If you would like to take in the tributes given John today, a video was made of the program and is accessible at this link:    

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Facebook, Flowers & Friendship"

God asks us to confess our faults, and so tonight I must confess I spend far too much time scrolling through Facebook.  Granted, there are times it is important to be checking on things, as often my daughter posts pictures or cute statuses of things my grandchildren have said or done.

Other times Facebook is an opportunity to peek into the worlds of our many nieces and nephews.  They have grown up, married and many have children, so it is fun to see the progress reports of things happening in their lives.

But most of the time, the endless scrolling leads me past random quotes and articles which may be interesting, but not entirely necessary in my life.  There are times I find myself saying, "Did I really need to know that?" and yet I keep scrolling.  In Daniel 12:4 the Bible tells us one of the signs of the end times is an increase in knowledge.  Facebook has certainly played a part in increasing mine!

There are times God uses something in the "newsfeed" to speak to my heart in a way which leaves me wondering if He knew I would need it just then.  Other times I find something to share with others, as was the case earlier this week when I brought a certain video to share with my aunt.

The video had instrumental background music, and the pictures were of flowers opening up and blooming in slow motion.  Since both she and I are lovers of flowers, it was special to watch it with her and marvel at God's handiwork.

Later, as we pondered over the video, I commented how it reminded me we were all like flowers and needed to open up and "bloom" in God's time.  Her comment was how flowers bloom best when the sun comes out and shines on them.  In the same way, we, as God's children, will find our full beauty when we allow the Son to shine in our lives.

They say there is good and bad in everything, and it is our job to sort it out.  The good in Facebook is it keeps us connected with others.  The bad is we are all stuck alone in our separate houses and never truly connect face to face.

This week work on making some meaningful connections outside the world of Facebook.  Invite a friend over or take time to visit someone who isn't able to get out of the house much.  You might even want to try something my daughter has done in the past and initiate a "Facebook Fast" for a number of days.  Another idea would be to allow yourself only one window of time a day for Facebook, utilizing a timer to make sure you don't overdo.

Whatever you find yourself doing this week, remember to include Jesus on your list of friends.  He waits patiently for each of us to extend Him a personal friend request, and always accepts it willingly.  Better yet, He will never "unfriend" us!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Patience, My Child!

There are many times I look around at the state of things in this world and shake my head.  Why can't people simply realize God has the better plan available?  Certainly, if they would simply follow my example, life would be better, right?

It is then I sense God's Spirit speaking to mine, "Patience, my child, patience!  And, by the way, please remember I'm still patiently waiting for you to come through with a few changes in your life, too!!"

Makes me think of a song from my past. . .

"He's still workin' on me
to make me what I ought to be
It took six days to make the moon and stars
the sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars
How loving and gracious He must be
He's still working on me!"

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I Have [Not] Arrived!

We have had some beautiful fall days this week.  It has given me the opportunity to take some long walks, which also gives me ample time to pray and think about my status as a Christian.  Having been raised as a part of the Lutheran denomination, and then switching to the Assemblies of God upon marriage, I have a mixture of doctrines floating around in my brain.  It makes for some interesting thoughts at times!

Today these thoughts included remembering the seven churches listed in the second and third chapters of the book of Revelations.  Tonight I am revisiting these passages for a fresh look. 

The Church in Ephesus:
    -Hard working, with perseverance                           -Have forsaken your first love
    -Doesn't tolerate wicked men                                   -Have fallen from where you once were
    -Test for false apostles                       *BUT*           -Are in need of repentance
    -Endure hardships                                                     -Need to do the things you once did
    -Don't grow weary

The Church in Smyrna:
    -Deal with afflictions
    -Live in poverty
    -Will face prison and persecution as a test

The Church in Pergamum:
    -Remain true to the name of Christ   *BUT*            -Have some who hold to wrong teachings
    -Do not renounce your faith                                      -Need to repent

The Church in Thyatira
    -Good deeds                                      *BUT*             -Tolerate misguided teachings
    -Have love and faith
    -Notable service and perseverance
    -Doing more than at first

The Church in Sardis:
   -Good deeds                                                                -Deeds are not complete in God's sight
   -Reputation of being alive                 *BUT*             -Actually dead
   -Only some who are worthy

The Church in Philadelphia:
   -Have kept God's Word                                             -Need to hold on to what they have
   -Have not denied God's name
   -Endure patiently

The Church in Laodicea:
   -Lukewarm in spirit
   -Rely on riches,
   -Blinded Eyes

Could it be the churches mentioned in Revelations give us a glimpse of what our modern day churches look like?  Where do you see yours fitting in?  What kind of a review do you think your church would receive?  Would there be more commendation given or changes requested?  There is also a promise to each of the churches, but only to those who overcome, leaving me to believe we will all face challenges along the way.

Yes, there is reason to take a look at your church as a whole and evaluate how God might see it.  But there is also reason to look at your own personal life and see where it lines up.  What is it in your life which gives you permission to call yourself a Christian?  Is it because you were baptized, either as an infant or at an older age?  Was it by sprinkling or immersion?  Did you answer an "altar call" or say a proper prayer?

To me, the essence of being a Christian is believing Christ died on a cross for the forgiveness of your sin.  It is at this point your focus must change from doing things your way to that of doing things God's way.  It is also important to remember at no point will you ever fully arrive at the perfect Christian walk until such time Christ calls you out of this sinful world into His perfect one. 

Yes, I am a Christian.  No, I have not fully arrived.  But day by day I'm striving to walk the walk modeled before me by Christ, for whose name I now live!  Hopefully I will meet up with you along the way, too!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wisdom from Chambers

Once again this week I've found some treasures of wisdom from the devotional book I am using, "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers:

"It is ingrained in us that we have to do exceptional things for God--but we do not.  We have to be exceptional in the ordinary things of life, and holy on the ordinary streets, among ordinary people--and this is not learned in five minutes"

My lesson plan for the day included spending time with Grace, Mabel and Louise.  It takes a sacrifice of my time to visit with these dear elderly women, yet I find my life is the richer because of it.  So thankful today for the freedom of retirement to work on being holy on the ordinary streets of Crosby, ND!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Triumphant in Trials

Tonight I have been thinking of so many who are facing trials in their lives.  A cousin is dealing with heart issues and complications following his angiogram (which thankfully revealed clear arteries). A teenager in the midst of his senior year of high school faces health issues with no clear diagnosis or cure.  A young wife and mother of four children enters into a repeat battle with cancer.

It doesn't seem right for any of them to be facing the situation they are in, but, like it or not, this is the hand they have been dealt.  It is part of their "all the days planned for me" as written in God's book before they were even born. (See Psalm 139:16)

Many prayers are offered, but God's timing and methods of answering are very seldom the same as ours.  Still we must trust He sees the bigger picture and is somehow working all things together for good if we love Him and are called according to His purposes.  (See Romans 8:28)

As I prepare to write out a prayer for the end of my day, my eyes settle on the verse shared on today's page of my journal:

"Blessed is a man who endures trials,
because when he passes the test 
he will receive the crown of life
that God has promised 
to those who love Him."
-James 1:12

It would be nice if we could chase away the trials, but it sounds like in them God has a plan.  In the meantime, I best do my part and get to my end of the day prayer!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Mundane Monday

Looking back on my day, it hasn't been anything special.  It began like most Mondays at the Lighten Up Wellness Center.  I took advantage of the nice morning and enjoyed about a thirty minute walk around town.  This also gives me an opportunity to pray for our community.

After starting a chicken cooking in the crockpot, my afternoon was spent washing windows and putting the last of the toys away after the week-end visit from the grandkids.  Later I visited a friend in the hospital, and stopped in on my aunt, but found her napping.

In the evening I exchanged prayer requests over the phone with my prayer partner in California, and then stopped by my mother-in-law's house for a few minutes.  Back home, my husband and I worked on making some reservations for upcoming trips to Bismarck. 

When it came to finding something to write about my day, I found myself drawing a blank.  As I looked around my messy computer desk, my eyes fell on a piece of paper where I had written the title of a song, "Your Grace Finds Me" by Matt Redman.  Often when I hear a song which speaks to my heart, I jot down the name of it for future reference.

As I thought about the message of the song, I was reminded of one line which referred to God's grace finding us in the "everyday and the mundane".  It seemed today fell into this category, and it was good to know God's grace was available.

If you would like to hear the song and see where else God's grace is available, check out this video on YouTube.  What a blessing it is to be reminded His grace is always there, no matter what kind of day we are having!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday Song - "Ancient Words"

Today we did our song service "off the screen".  Modern technology allows us to choose songs posted on YouTube and project them onto a big screen at the front of the church.  With the lyrics included, we have a great teaching tool for introducing new songs to the congregation.

Our second song of the day, "Ancient Words" has actually been around for quite some time.  It first came out in 2001, and Michael W. Smith performed it on an album entitled "Worship Again" put out in 2002.  We became familiar with it when one of our VBS programs featured it on their music DVD.

The song is all about the words of the Bible as they have been carried down through the ages.  Prior to singing the song, Bert read a passage of Scripture:

"The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever.”
~Isaiah 40:8
The fascinating thing about God's Word is the fact it is a "Living Word".  Although the words have been around since ancient times, they are always speaking anew to those who take the time to read them.  Consider the words to the song, and then make a point to read a fresh batch of the ancient words every day.  Your life will benefit from doing so, especially if you heed them as well as read them!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Restoring Order"

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
". . .and God saw that it was good"
"So God created man in His own image,
in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them."
For some reason tonight, I have been thinking about the creation story.  The thoughts began as I was picking up some of the clutter left behind by my four grandchildren, who, along with their mother, stayed overnight with us last night.
The adventure began around 4:30pm yesterday and extended through to this evening around 8:30pm.  This works out to less than 30 hours they spent in Crosby, and much of the time we were at my mother-in-law's house or the nearby park.
After they headed back for home, I looked around the area where they had been playing and saw an assortment of Lincoln Logs, Barbie Dolls, toy dishes and play food, fire trucks, and Lion King stuffed animals strewn everywhere.

I'm not sure how they managed to do it in so little time, but pretty much everything had been taken out of its proper storage area.  It appeared as if a bomb had gone off, leaving everything scattered and left behind.
So why, you ask, did it remind me of the creation story?  Well, as I was picking things up, making an attempt to restore order, it made me think of how God created the earth and everything in it to be a perfect environment.  He placed everything where He wanted it, and then He created Adam and Eve and let them loose in His wonderful world.
The Bible doesn't really tell us how long they lived in the perfect world before disaster struck.  Satan, disguised as a serpent, did the tempting and disobedience to God's instructions brought sin into the world, and it has been spiraling downhill ever since.
For some reason, it always makes me feel good to have the house in proper order before the grandkids come, with everything in place.  Then they arrive.  They aren't really disobedient, but just like to have fun.  One thing leads to another, and you must factor in the youngest has a nickname of "Daniel the Destroyer".  Anyway, I think you get the picture.
What I imagined, was God looking down on His once perfect and beautiful world, wondering how His children could have managed to create such a mess in so little time.  Then, as I continued picking up and putting away, I smiled, knowing God, too, is working towards restoring His world to the way it should be.
Who knows, it might even go faster if He could find some children willing to help with the work!  : )   

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Another Chapter Begins

Forty years ago, the story of my life took a turn for the better when a young man named Bert Anderson became a part of it.  The early chapters were written while I attended a year of college at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, ND.  During the Easter break I received a diamond ring, and by the end of the year I was officially Mrs. Bert Anderson.

Transferring to UND's branch in Williston, ND, I completed a two year Associate of Arts degree in the Financial Clerical field, and we enjoyed a short chapter in a cozy basement apartment.  After graduation in May of 1976, we returned to Crosby, ND where we have made our home, first in an apartment and later in the house he built for us on Main Street with the help of his dad and brothers.

Over the years, the story of our life together has filled many pages of time.  We experienced the birth of first a daughter and then a son.  We watched them grow and mature into a beautiful young woman and a fine young man.  Our daughter eventually found her perfect mate and together they have given us four wonderful grandchildren.

Not all the chapters have been filled with happy times.  With the diagnosis of bipolar added into the mix, there have been many "roller coaster days" to navigate.  Through it all, however, Bert has remained true and faithful to the marriage vows he took on December 28, 1975.

Today has begun a new chapter in our lives, with Bert's appointment to fill a vacated seat in the North Dakota House of Representatives.  This will mean moving to Bismarck, ND for a short season next year as he serves in the 2015 Legislative Session.  He has always had a passion for politics, and I know God will use his leadership skills in amazing ways.

What will this new chapter hold for me?  I'm not exactly sure, but trust God already has it figured out!

". . .all the days ordained for me
were written in Your book
before one of them came to be."
~Psalm 139:16

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


A wise young pastor once told me, "If satan can't make you bad, he'll make you busy".  Actually, he's also my husband's youngest brother, and I've often thought how true it is.  Lately, I'm actually wondering if I should start being a bit more bad, so I won't be so busy!  No, actually, it wouldn't be a very good plan.

It has been a whirlwind of a week.  Along with a fundraising banquet on Monday and a gospel quartet concert on Tuesday, we made a third trip to Williston today, this time so my husband could attend a meeting and I could spend time with the grandkids.

Back home this evening, I've been feeling a bit like there may be a cold coming on.  My throat was just a wee bit scratchy and my nose a little "sniffley".   There was a point when about five sneezes exited my system in a row, which is generally a sign there are germs to get rid of.

Thankfully, there was a large can of pineapple juice in the cupboard.  It is my "go to" cure for colds, and already, after two big glasses and a couple of Tylenol, I'm feeling better.  The other must when a cold hits is getting lots of sleep, so I best get to bed!

"I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."
~Psalm 3:5

Monday, October 13, 2014

All for TCS!

Months of preparation led up to the events of this evening.  It all began one day when it was proposed to attempt booking Sarah Palin to speak at the Fall Fundraising Banquet for Trinity Christian School in Williston, ND.   Since this is the school our two older grandsons attend, we have had a back row seat to the action.

With my husband being the mayor of Crosby, ND, we received complimentary tickets to attend the banquet, as well as special V.I.P. passes to be a part of the "Meet and Greet" time planned at a beautiful home near the venue. 

It was all rather mysterious as we parked just down the street from the entrance to the backyard of the home.  People were gathered outside, with some very official men in suits and dark sunglasses guarding the gate.

As we approached, we noticed among the crowd our son-in-law and oldest grandson.  They were there because our grandson had earned the right to have his picture taken with Sarah through an art contest at school.  The teacher selected two students from each grade to receive this honor, plus their art project would be on display at the banquet.

We weren't sure where we were to go, but showed our passes to the gentlemen by the gate, who we then realized were actually a couple of parents from the school.  They ushered us to a backyard which featured a large pool, an outdoor kitchen area, and beautiful landscaping.  Fancy dispensers held lemonade and ice tea, and several young women were carrying trays of hors d'oeuvres to tempt us.

As we mingled with the other guests, we noticed the line of school children being led into a white tent, which had been set up on one side of the yard.  I caught my grandson's eye and gave him a little wave, which he returned.  Part of me was so proud, and the other part wondered what thoughts might be going through his very "in the box" brain during this strange new adventure.

Shortly thereafter, the announcement was made.  We were to form a line and begin proceeding into the tent.  As we were entering, the students were leaving, but their was no chance to visit and find out what excitement awaited us inside.

Slowly we made our way to the front of the line, at which point we were taken behind a black curtain where Sarah and a team of photographers waited.  We were told to stand on either side of her.   She greeted us with a smile, shook our hands and asked our names. Then, as quickly as we entered, we left and it was the next person's turn.

For days I had agonized about what to wear and what might be said should we be given the chance to actually talk to this "famous person".  Somehow, it was a bit of a letdown when I realized I was just one more face in a sea of thousands she had to face everyday in her busy political world. 

What was it like for her?  Did she ever wish she could break with "protocol" and pull someone aside for a cozy chat?  Was it hard for her to keep up her smile and try to greet each person genuinely as they paraded by?

Later, as we listened to her keynote address at the banquet, I found myself wondering if the speech was really coming from her heart or from a speechwriter somewhere in the political world telling her what she needed to say.  With a midterm election just around the corner, it seemed there was far more attention given to politics than the school we were supporting.  In the end, however, she did get around to praising the school and its mission of training up young people to be positive leaders in our broken world. 

Following her speech, a local businessman got up and said a few words before an offering was taken. He was a familiar face, as he is married to my husband's cousin.  We were so proud of his genuine words, spoken straight from the heart, encouraging support of this wonderful school.  His son and daughter are both alumni of Trinity Christian, and he mentioned his new little grandson who would someday follow in his father's footsteps.  In addition, there would be another grandson, soon to be adopted from China, who would also one day be a student.  Somehow, even with all the talk of ISIS and ebola virus, he felt better knowing the foundation of their education would be a godly one, based on Biblical values.

Thinking back on all the people we saw tonight, I was reminded in God's eyes we are the same.  He doesn't see one person as "famous" and another as "just a member of the crowd".  We are all His children, deeply loved and cared for enough that He gave His only Son to die for us.  The "whosoever"  offered in John 3:16 has no restrictions and plays no favorites.  Praying tonight you find yourself among those of us who believe!

"For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only Begotten Son,
that whosoever believes in Him should not perish
but have everlasting life."
~John 3:16 


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Open My Eyes, Lord"

So many times in my retirement I've been asked, "What are you keeping busy with?" or "Are you finding enough to do" or "What DO you do with all your time now?"  How I dread these questions!  It seems, for all the free time I should have, there is seldom any available.

The last thing on my "to do" list is, unfortunately, cleaning house.  There are always good intentions of creating a great plan to stay on top of things, especially since losing my once a month cleaning lady earlier this year.  But somehow, I never get around to implementing one, nor do I seem to find time to devote my attention to actually doing it.

It is amazing how I can come and go on a daily basis and never notice the dust and dirt accumulating.  Then, all of a sudden, I get the urge to clean and start in on things.  It is quite embarrassing to see how much my eyes were blinded to the condition of the house.  Once they are opened, it doesn't take long for me to dig in and get it tackled.

So why is it the same cycle repeats itself again and again?  Probably the same reason we make New Year's Resolutions and subsequently break them a month or so down the road.  We lack the discipline to stick with the plan.

As I was working my way through the house yesterday and today, I kept thinking about the fact our spiritual lives often play out in a similar manner.  We get lacks about having a devotional time with the Lord.  Our Bible reading gets neglected.  We may still go to church, but our heart just isn't in it.  In essence, our eyes get blinded to our need for continual spiritual renewal through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Then perhaps one day you hear an especially challenging sermon, or a message on the radio or TV.  The "wake up call" may come from a book you are reading or the lyrics of a song.  Once again you find the spiritual hunger stirring and your heart is refreshed.  Too bad we can't stay on top of things, much the same as it is with my housework!

The words of a chorus come to mind.  May you make it your prayer today.  Let's challenge each other to allow God to open our eyes to the hurting world around us, and then see it through His eyes.  May our open eyes lead to action at His leading.  Only then will our world get a good cleaning!

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord.
Open the eyes of my heart.
I want to see you.
I want to see you.
To see you high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy, I want to see you!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fruit Basket Upset

Living with a personality which leans toward the perfectionistic side, plus having bipolar as part of my diagnosis sometimes leads to roller coaster days.  Take today, for instance, when my goal was to accomplish some long neglected housework.

The more I cleaned, the more I realized how far from "perfect" things were.  In my mind, which had been operating on the high side this week, the list of what I was going to accomplish was a lengthy one.  Besides the housework, I had plans to visit my friend in the hospital and also bring a fruit salad to a family who had experienced a death earlier in the week.

Then, as evening approached, the reality hit.  There were simply not enough hours in the day.  Although the hospital visit did get made, the housework was half done, and I hadn't yet made the salad.  After a phone call to the family, it was decided to wait until tomorrow with the salad, as their meal had been provided by someone else tonight.

Suddenly, I started feeling like a failure.  Why hadn't I taken the time earlier in the week to make a visit to the grieving family?  Why had I let the housework accumulate so long?  Why had I wasted the night before sitting in the recliner instead of dealing with some of the things I was trying to get done today?

The more I thought, the more my mind attacked, until I found myself in tears.  It was as if every bit of "Spirit Fruit" was missing from my life.  About then, my dear husband came to my rescue and washed the kitchen and bathroom floors for me.  He assured me we all have days when things tend to overwhelm us. 

As I worked at cleaning the bathroom, it dawned on me. . .the voice telling me of my failures was a familiar one I've heard many times in the past.  As you know, we have an enemy who is constantly on the prowl, trying to find our "weakest point" so he can "devour" (1 Peter 5:8)  Today he had certainly managed to find mine.

Suddenly, I felt a surge of determination come through.  No, I hadn't accomplished all I felt I should, but life would go on.  When defeat is lurking, there is comfort in knowing we have 1 John 4:4 to rely on:

 "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."

Gently, I felt God's Spirit restoring some order to my inner spirit.  Nothing changed as far as what was or wasn't accomplished, but somehow I had the assurance, the "fruit" was still there, and tomorrow would be a new day to share it. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Seeking the Good

What a beautiful, fall day it was!  The sun was shining, and for a change, no wind.  Most of the afternoon was spent in the back yard, cleaning up the flower beds, emptying flower pots, and clearing the last of the garden away.

After several nights of below freezing weather, pretty much everything was dried up and ready to be discarded.  Imagine my surprise when  tucked among the dead, frozen flowers were a few brave ones still blooming away. 

Also discovered were several cucumbers which were missed when I was collecting the harvest prior to the frost.  Amazingly, some of them were even still edible, and the one lone corncob left on the stalk actually revealed half a cob of developed corn.  It wasn't much, but I boiled it up and we split it to eat with our tacos tonight.

What lesson did I find in all this?  Sometimes, even when it seems all is lost, there is still a bright spot and a bit of good hiding somewhere.   The secret is in the seeking.  What are you looking for in your life today?

Whoever seeks good finds favor,

but evil comes to one who searches for it.

~Proverbs 11:27

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Desires of the Heart

It has been an interesting season in my husband's life.  After serving 12 years on the Crosby City Council, he went on to put in 20 years as the mayor of our community.  At this point, the residents voted against his re-election and gave the mayor position to another man.  This past June, they did an "about face" and decided my husband's leadership skills had been missed.

Now, four months into Bert's current four year term as mayor, he has been approached to consider becoming the replacement for a State Senator who recently announced his intention to resign later this year. This would entail completing the two years left of the Senator's four year term.  Over the last several weeks we have had a taste of what the political world is all about, as twists and turns in the path leave us questioning what God's will is for the future of all involved .

Tomorrow morning there will be a meeting of an Executive Committee of the District 2 Republicans.  By the end of the morning, a decision should be made as to who will be appointed to the Senate seat.  As of this evening, we know of three who are being placed into consideration, and one of them is my husband.

As I consider what must be going on in Bert's mind, the words of a particular Psalm come to mind:

Delight yourself in the Lord
and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him and He will do this:
He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
~Psalm 37:4-7a

When I first read these words years ago, my interpretation was "God will give me what I want".  But after pondering them over time, a different viewpoint came to mind.  Perhaps it means God will actually plant new desires within my heart. . .His desires.
What will come of tomorrow's meeting is tonight a mystery.  Yet, it has been a part of God's plan all along, and we can rest knowing things will unfold as they should.  Whether the end result satisfies Bert's desire to be a State Senator or a new desire is placed in his heart, we know God will use the process to shine forth His glory. 


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Saying No to Sugar

One of my favorite places in Crosby is the Lighten Up Wellness Center.  It gives me a place to start the day, whether it is doing strength training or yoga, and also is a great place to share fellowship with other women.

Our fearless leader, Tanya Knudson Gillen, makes staying fit fun and interesting.  No more doing the exact same exercises every day.  She changes things up so we don't get bored, and it is also keeps our bodies from falling into a rut.

October has been especially interesting after Tanya created the Facebook event called, "31 days to a healthier you!"  The daily and weekly challenges give us new focus, plus encouragement from others helps push through the temptation to cheat.

One of our challenges for this week was to eliminate processed sugar from our diet.  Thankfully, we could still choose items with natural sugars, but what I'm finding is there is hidden sugar in just about everything prepackaged.

Last week I had purchased a bag of craisins (dried cranberries) thinking they would make a good snack for this month.  Alas, when I checked the label today, the ingredient list was cranberries and sugar.  Tonight, as I passed up the cookies which had been provided for the break time of our chorus practice, I reached instead for the dry roasted peanuts.  Checking the label, I was surprised to find even they had sugar listed as an ingredient.

Sometimes our sins can be like the hidden sugar, hardly detectable on the surface, but hidden away deep inside where only God can truly see them.  In my years of reading through the Bible, I often made notations in the margins, and one such place is Psalm 19:12, which reads as follows:

Who can discern his errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
My notation reads, "Hidden is first, then willful", since verse 13 gives reference to another kid of sin, the "willful" kind.  To me, these would be the more blatant sins committed outwardly, and often involving others.  These, too, must be dealt with.
Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.
How interesting to find the hidden sins mentioned first.  Perhaps, because they are harder to detect, it is even more important to clear them up.
Whether dealing with sugar or sin, God can help us move on to a healthier lifestyle.  Right now, however, my hidden sin just might be wanting to cheat on the sugar and end the day with an ice cream treat!  [But I won't!!]

Monday, October 6, 2014

Keeping the Cross Relevent

We enjoyed a special guest speaker in our church last night.  His name is Dan Johnson, and his ties to Crosby go way back to when he was a youngster.  His father was the District Superintendent of the North Dakota Assemblies of God, and he often travelled around the state with him.

His message, which was so relevant for our nation at this point in time, asked the question, "What happens when the cross is removed?"  Or, in other words, what becomes of our country when the preaching of the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is no longer heard?  He gave a series of four things which would happen.

The first on the list was the disappearance of truth.  Since we know by John 14:6 Jesus is the way, truth and life, removing Him from the picture also removes truth.  Suddenly, my truth doesn't have to be your truth.  Each one determines what is right in their own eyes.

This leads to the second thing on the list, which is the unraveling of culture.  Because there are no boundaries, moral barriers fall.  One need not look far to see this is already happening in our nation.  Eventually, this will bring us to point three, which is when our freedom vanishes and lastly the loss of the soul.

A morning reading in "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers, enlightened me further as to why the cross of Christ is relevant.  Without the cross, we do not have a means of redemption from the sin nature which entered the human race through the original sin in the Garden of Eden.

The devotional pointed out the nature of sin is not necessarily always immorality and wrongdoing, but rather "my claim to my right to myself".  If you think about it, sin began when Adam and Eve decided to do things their way, while no longer listening to what God asked of them.

An easy way to remember what sin is about is to look at its central component.  In the middle of "SIN" is always an "I".  When our focus changes from our Savior to ourselves, it is the sin nature taking control.  As Mr. Chambers put it, "The nature of sin is not immorality and wrongdoing, but the nature of self-realization which leads us to say, "I am my own god."

Tonight, I am thankful for the cross.  I am thankful for my Savior, who died a gruesome death on the cross.  I am thankful for God's mighty resurrection power which overcame death and gave us the promise of eternal life because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross.  Tonight I rededicate my life to carrying on the message of the cross.  Thank you, Dan Johnson, for the challenge!    

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Will You Do It?

As part of our song service today, we played a recording of the following song.  The point we wanted to make is there is much to do as we go about our Christian walk.  Are you willing to be a "doer" or do you tend to "pass the buck"?  Following the song, we sang the hymn, "I Am Happy in the Service of the King" to reinforce the fact there is joy in the doing!  May you be challenged to step up the pace!

Everybody Said (But Nobody Did) Words and music: Keith Lancaster © 1990 Anthony K. Music (ASCAP)

This song also appeared on The Collection by Acappella, Live From Paris by Acappella, and in Spanish as "Todo Mundo Dijo" on Español by Acappella.
      Lyrics: Chorus:
Everybody said that anybody could do
The important things somebody should do
Everybody knows that anybody could do
All the good things that nobody did

Well the preacher came to me and said what I ought to do
If I wanted to make my religion true
He'd do it himself but he really didn't have the time
He said that the duty was mine

Everybody said that anybody could do
The important things somebody should do
Everybody knows that anybody could do
All the good things that nobody did      

Well the deacon came by and said give me a hand
If you want to be going to the promised land
Here is something that I don't have time to do
So I better give it to you

Everybody said that anybody could do
The important things somebody should do
Everybody knows that anybody could do
All the good things that nobody did      
Well I'm too busy so I tell everybody
The work's got to get done by somebody
It could be done by anybody
But nobody, nobody, nobody did

Everybody said that anybody could do
The important things somebody should do
Everybody knows that anybody could do
All the good things that nobody did              

All the good things that nobody did (x2)

Scriptural Reference: "The Lord has assigned to each his task." 1 Corinthians 3:5

Follow this link to see our friends from Acappella performing the song at a concert:

You can also order any of the recordings at this website:

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Dream On!"

Each morning, Monday through Thursday, my day begins at the Lighten Up Wellness Center.  Monday and Wednesday the class is called "Women on Weights" and Tuesday and Thursday it is a simple yoga stretch and breathe class.  Not only has the time been beneficial for my body, but also my soul, as I've come to bond with the other ladies who take time out of their day to attend.

Over the past couple of weeks we have had a new member join our group.  Although she has lived on a farm south of Crosby for quite a number of years, I had never met her before.  Her previous job had taken her the other direction to Williston, so our paths had simply never crossed.

It has been interesting getting to know her and learn about her family, and the passion she has for helping children and parents get through troublesome times in their lives.  Prior to the birth of her last child she was working for a human resource center, but now she has hopes of finding a way to utilize her education in Crosby, closer to their home.

During one of our yoga sessions this week, she was sharing about a dream she had which was so real in her mind, but confusing.  She shared it was as if she was holding a developing baby from the time of conception, but outside the womb.

Later, as she told us of her hopes and dreams regarding what could be done to benefit families in our area, I felt as if the Lord was revealing to me a meaning behind the dream.  Perhaps, I told her, the "baby" in her dream represented her ideas and the fact it was growing to maturity indicated her plans would unfold, but over time.

Whether or not my interpretation was right, the Bible clearly indicates God speaks to us through our dreams.  In Genesis 37 we find the account of Joseph's dreams.  Later, in chapter 41, we learn of the dreams Pharaoh had, which Joseph was able to interpret.

The book of Daniel is another which tells of dreams and their meaning.  In this instance, it was King Nebuchadnezzar who was dreaming and Daniel was doing the interpreting.  Later in his life, Daniel also experienced dreams concerning what would happen at the end of time.

Even in the New Testament God used dreams to deliver messages.  Joseph had a dream telling him to take Mary as his wife.  Later, after the birth of Jesus, he was told in a dream to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to escape being killed by Herod.  A dream also told them when it was safe to return.  You will find these accounts in Matthew 1 and 2.

Dreams and visions have always been a part of God's means of speaking to His people.  And yet, as we read in both Joel 2:28-32 and Acts 2:16-18 they will become even more so as we approach the end of time as we know it. 

Has God ever spoke to you in a dream?  Do you have a vision of something you would like to accomplish for Him?  If so, be diligent in seeking His perfect will and timing for the unfolding of His plan.  Step out in faith as you trust God to reveal ways in which you can be used to further His Kingdom here on earth.

Tonight ponder these words, aware of the fact God may be speaking to your heart as you sleep. . .and dream on!

I will praise the Lord who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
~Psalm 16:7 

Friday, October 3, 2014

FRIDAY FRUIT: Kindness and Goodness

As each Friday rolls around, I contemplate which of God's "Fruit of the Spirit" may have been evident in my life for the day.  Today it seemed kindness and goodness were the ones which caught my attention.  Then the question arose in my mind, "What exactly is the difference between the two?"

One of the resources I enjoy using is a website called BibleGateway (, which allows you the freedom of comparing many different versions and translations of the Bible.  It also has a search feature which easily gives access to the different sections of the Bible by entering either a chapter and verse listing, or any key words you might recall.  I knew the fruit of the spirit verses were in Galatians, but didn't recall the exact verses.  A simple search of "fruit of the Spirit" brought me to the list I love so well:

But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Against such things there is no law.
~Galatians 5:22-23
Accessing the various options available, I found most were consistent in using the words "kindness" and "goodness".  A few replaced "kindness" with "gentleness" and "generosity" was the most frequent alternative to "goodness".
As another resource I pulled out my mother's large "Readers Digest Great Encyclopedia Dictionary".  Although nowadays we have the power to readily access definitions on the Internet, I somehow still enjoy pulling out the three inch thick volume and paging through to find the information needed. 
The first definitions listed were a "no brainer".  Kindness is the quality of being kind and goodness is the quality of being good.  Pressing on for deeper clarity, I found kindness associated with good will, kindly disposition and a kind act or service.  On the other hand, goodness lined up with excellence of character, morals and having virtue, having generous and kindly feelings, benevolence and goodness of heart. 
Thinking back on my day, it included giving my mother-in-law a ride to her hair appointment, delivering posters around town about an upcoming gospel quartet concert and arranging my flowers into six small vases.  Three of them have already been delivered and the remaining arrangements will be shared tomorrow.  Seems to me both kindness and goodness fit for the day.  The smiles and words of appreciation received in return made it all worthwhile.  And the housecleaning can wait for another day! 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

What's Wrong With This World??

It seem lately there has been a lot of focus on what's wrong with this world.  It frustrates me, since my perfectionism tends to want to fix everything, and there is far too much for me to handle on my own.

So why not change our perspective?  How about focusing instead on what's right.  Start counting blessings.  Make an effort to be a positive influence in the lives of others.  Realize there really is a whole lot of good mixed in with the bad.

When I start to get bogged down with the "woes of the world", I tend to remember what my daughter once told me.  (Actually, probably more than once!)  She says we have to remember we live in a world affected by sin.  It is broken.  It is in a fallen state.

She also likes to remind me of a verse in Ephesians 6:12, which reads as follows:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities.
against the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Yes, there is a battle raging much bigger than the one we see playing out with our earthly eyes.  I am so thankful for other verses of Scripture which remind me those forces of evil will eventually be defeated by our great God.  And yes, I do believe (despite all the wrongs in the world) our God is still in control.
Perhaps the biggest thing wrong is the direction of our focus.  What do you suppose would happen if we tuned out the wrongs and instead used our energy to focus on what is right with the world?  What if we would, as Hebrews 12:2 suggests, fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith?  What if we would see the world through His eyes, and act accordingly? 
If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times. . ."I can't change the world.  But I can change me."  I can strive to be more like Jesus, and hopefully who I am will somehow influence another for the good.  As a drop of water creates countless ripples, perhaps my influence can even live on after I'm gone. 
So, for tonight, I think I'll skip watching the news and instead focus on how many arrangements I can get out of the last of my summer flowers.  Then tomorrow I can brighten the lives of others by sharing them.

The war against evil won't be won, but a small battle just might see a victory!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Wisdom Challenge

Did anyone notice we started a new month today?  Once again the turn of a calendar reminds us time marches on.  Although I was on "Grandma Duty" today and missed my usual exercise class in the morning, I was reminded by way of Facebook of the "31 days to a healthier you!" challenge being promoted by the owner of the Lighten Up Wellness Center.

The first challenge was to journal our diet for at least a week.  A sample diet was posted, as well as helpful articles about "clean eating" and proper water intake.  An easy way to figure out how many ounces of water you should drink daily is to take your weight and divide it by two.

The fitness challenge for tomorrow has already been posted:  15 push-ups, 15 bicep curls with weights or bands, 15 squats and a 20 second hold plank.  This didn't seem too difficult, until I got to the part which said, "REPEAT 2-3 times"!

Yes, it is wise to take care of our bodies by eating properly and exercising.  After all, the Bible tells us our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, so it is best to keep them in good shape.  Tonight, however, as I was looking through the book of Proverbs for a piece of wisdom for the day, I found the secret to true health:

"My son, pay attention to what I say;
listen closely to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight,
keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
and health to a man's whole body.
Proverbs 4:20-22
The words Solomon is referring to in this passage are his words of wisdom. They were the words he recalls receiving as a boy from his father, David, the one known as the "man after God's own heart".  These words of wisdom encouraged following the path of the righteous, and avoiding the way of the wicked. 
A great plan for learning the path of the righteous is to make a habit of reading God's Word.  Did you know the book of Proverbs has 31 chapters?  This makes it convenient to read one chapter each day of the month.  Are you up to the challenge?